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2014/05/24 Visiting Japan Day 20: Tokyo Odaiba
π 2014-05-24 01:01 in Japan, Japan2014, Ntrips, Trips

After a night in our smallish room in Shinbashi (but well located), and watching trains go by through the window, Jennifer got to enjoy the yummy Japanese breakfast included with the room before we went to Odaiba. I had heard that Odaiba had a lot of cool things, so we took a train there, and started exploring on foot:

There is an exact copy of the French statue of liberty in Paris as part of a cultural exchange between France and Japan:

July 4th = Bastille Day
July 4th = Bastille Day

Next we went up the Fuji TV station building and its interesting sphere that doubles as an observation point:

they have cheerleaders in Japan now?
they have cheerleaders in Japan now?

Next, we walked to Miraikan -- National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. It's a stellar science museum, totally worth going to. Here is a page on it.

By then, we had little time left for the Toyota Megaweb showcase. We only spent 40mn there and it was worth more, but we had run out of time, and that time had been better spent at Miraikan.

fuel cell vehicle
fuel cell vehicle

isn't there a piece missing on this one? :)
isn't there a piece missing on this one? :)

Thanks to Erik Kline, we then went to a small Owl Cafe in Kiba (yes, like a Neko Cafe, but with Owls, only in Japan :)

This left us just enough time to go eat at Hamada-Ya, a fancy Japanese style restaurant with customized service

Another good day. We could have spent a bit more time in Odaiba, but I guess that'll be an excuse to go back another day :)

More pages: May 2014

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