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2014/05/21 Visiting Japan Day 17: Evening in Ikebukuro, Sunshine City
π 2014-05-21 01:01 in Japan, Japan2014, Ntrips, Trips
We were now in Tokyo where I was there for Linuxcon Japan 2014. On the second day, we had a free evening, so we went out to Ikebukuro's Sunshine City.

We took the elevator to the top, sunshine 60, for an awesome clear view after a storm. Sunshine 60 was the tallest building in 1985 and had the fastest elevator in the world .We got to see Mt Fuji for the first time (which is rare in summer):

Tokyo Skytree
Tokyo Skytree

We had some nice shots of Mt Fuji (thanks to my 30X zoom):

Mt Fuji in the background
Mt Fuji in the background

Tokyo Tower
Tokyo Tower

Then, we went to another Neko cafe, because why not? :)

More cat pictures here.

More pages: May 2014

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