After Okinawa, we flew to Osaka to start our new tour of mainland Japan. We got there late at night on Day 8, and headed out the following morning to start with the aquarium after Jennifer got to enjoy another authentic Japanese Breakfast :)
Osaka Aquarium is not as nice as the Okinawa one, but it's still quite nice, so we went to see it.
Like last year, it was school kid week, there were busloads of kids, and oh my god were they obniously loud in the aquarium:

argh more kids, at least they're nicely arranged by hat color :)

They also have a single whale shark in their smaller tank. We were lucky to see it feed:

Of course, they had more in the aquarium:

the seals were playful and would look at you and interact through the glass

so much food in them :)

The touch pool was fun :)

After the aquarium, we went through the food court nearby and the ferris wheel:

After that, we went to Osaka Castle:

Next, we went to downtown Osaka and its arcade towards Namba

We then headed towards the Uema Sky building to get up before sunset:

a freeway overpass going through a building, brilliant.

Then was time to go back to Namba for dinner: