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2016/07/26 Japan Day 15: Half Day in Osaka
π 2016-07-26 01:01 in Japan, Japan2016, Ntrips, Trips

For our last half day in Osaka, in hindsight, we could have stayed at the hotel and used their onsen as Jennifer's ankle was not happy after the lot of fast walking we did the previous evening during the Tejin Festival to find a fireworks viewing point.

I had a quickish look at the local museum of Natural History and Botanical Garden attached to it:

The botanical garden was probably ok, but it was raining pretty hard, so that made it less interesting:

We then went back to Osaka Namba and walked to a couple of Cat cafés before going back to Namba for an express train to the airport:

More pictures of two cat cafés
See more images for Japan Day 15: Half Day in Osaka

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