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2016/07/14 Japan Day 03-04: Tokyo
π 2016-07-14 01:01 in Japan, Japan2016, Ntrips, Trips
During days 2-4, I was at Linuxcon JP of course, and gave a talk about Open Source at Google.
On day #3, we made a reservation for dinner at Aoyama Esaki, and I noticed that TEPIA, a technology gallery, was nearby, so we went for a visit and they nicely gave us an english guide for a private tour. We then saw the rest on our own before they closed.

spider protein fiber
spider protein fiber

squid harnesting device :)
squid harnesting device :)

flexbile 3D printed hand
flexbile 3D printed hand

Then, we had a nice dinner at Aoyama Esaki

On the way back, we walked around Shibuya, for its fun crossing as well as the shopping streets:

The weather had not been good (mostly rain almost all the time), the next morning we walked around the nice Chinzanso hotel grounds before my conference started:

During lunch break, we went for another nice meal at another Michelin rated restaurant (2 stars): Narisawa:

See more images for Japan Day 03-04: Tokyo

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