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2015/06/08 Japan 2015 Day 7: Ueno Park, Akihabara, and Ginza
π 2015-06-08 01:01 in Japan, Japan2015, Ntrips, Trips

So I kind of screwed up and scheduled Ueno Park for Monday which is of course when all museums are closed. Doh! That said, the plan was only to see a non essential natural history museum, and we used the extra time to finish our Tokyo sightseeing a day early, which freed up some time to stop in Nagoya the next day.

We started with Toshogu Shrine, a very nice temple in Ueno Park, and had a quick walk around:

Then went to Akihabara to spend some quality time there :)

maid cafes are still going strong :)
maid cafes are still going strong :)

Google fanboy apparel
Google fanboy apparel

plenty of anime stuff
plenty of anime stuff

While it was a bit painful at times due to how silly it was, I took my dad to a maid cafe. The girls did their best to converse with us in English, although most of them had super limited English. They're supposed to try and act cute and interested in you, which probably appeals to some Japanese fetish, but for us it was more the amusement value of how silly it all was :)

We then finished in Ginza, the most expensive real estate in Japan to admire some buildings, visit the Sony showroom, and edge towards our restaurant where we had a dinner reservation:

I stopped by Subarashi Jiro to snap a quick picture, although they don't want people to nose around
I stopped by Subarashi Jiro to snap a quick picture, although they don't want people to nose around

yeah, an Apple watch one year after Android had them, for more than twice the price!
yeah, an Apple watch one year after Android had them, for more than twice the price!

the fuckers from Debeers had an interesting building to see
the fuckers from Debeers had an interesting building to see

Our dinner was in a small 20 seat restaurant was a bunch of Japanese dishes and was quite tasty:

We then went back to our room, and I snapped a few night shots:

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