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2014/05/23 Visiting Japan Day 19: Tokyo, Ueno Park and Akihabara
π 2014-05-23 01:01 in Japan, Japan2014, Ntrips, Trips

After Linuxcon Japan was over, we moved to Ginza and spent most of the day by Ueno Park's museums:

The Tokyo National Museum at Ueno Park is quite good, lots to see, and for a change it was a place where you were allowed to take pictures. I had planned to go to the Natural Science Museum next door again, but we ran out of time, so it'll be for another time:

the 3 missing statues from Sanjusangendo in Kyoto
the 3 missing statues from Sanjusangendo in Kyoto

After the museum, I walked through the rest of Ueno Park, passing by Toshogu Shrine, which is quite beautiful:

I then finished the other side of the park, got to see some birdies :)

Next, I went to Akihabara on my own (not really Jennifer's cup of tea):

weird mix of things available :)
weird mix of things available :)

Cool, I needed an MSX! :)
Cool, I needed an MSX! :)

OMG, I remember those retro games :)
OMG, I remember those retro games :)

got to play the pee against the target to lift the lady's skirt game again :)
got to play the pee against the target to lift the lady's skirt game again :)

big is also beautiful
big is also beautiful

We finished in Ginza for a yummy super expensive sushi dinner at Sushi Yoshitake:

hooters ginza
hooters ginza

manta shrimp
manta shrimp

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