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2014/05/16 Visiting Japan Day 12: Kyoto to Kurama
π 2014-05-16 01:01 in Japan, Japan2014, Ntrips, Trips

After getting breakfast, we got our electric bikes at , bar none the best place to get electric bikes in Kyoto, with service in Englsh, and extended hours (very early in the morning to late at night).

We started with Toji, wihch has the highest Pagoda in Japan, but it's actually a huge complex with much to visit:

high tech or backup fire suppression system :)
high tech or backup fire suppression system :)


Next were Higashi and Nishi Honganji, which were huge and well worth the visit despite the renovation work that's going on:

We then stoped at Shoseien, a nice garden:

which then led us to Nishiki Market, wihch was just what Jennifer was looking for :)

After returning our bikes, we took a couple of trains to Kurama, a village up in the hills north of Kyoto for our Ryokan there:

After a yummy dinner, time for a confy bed :)

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