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2014/05/08 Visiting Japan Day 4-8: Okinawa
π 2014-05-08 01:01 in Japan, Japan2014, Ntrips, Trips
After Yonaguni, we flew back to Okinawa where the goal was mostly to dive, but while we were there, we got a rental car and went to visit some things around the island.

This isn't the rental car we picked up, but that was tempting :)

We first went to the Navy Underground Headquarters where the Japanese Navy generals hid and fought to the death when the US Marines came to take the island. It was both interesting and depressing:

some committed suicide by killing themselves with grenades
some committed suicide by killing themselves with grenades

Next, we went to the Okinawa Caves and fake village to amuse tourists:

Next was the village:

Another day, we went to visit Shuri-jo, the main castle at Okinawa:

And we went to the Okinawa Museum (natural history and art):

snake skin banjo like instruments are common in Okinawa
snake skin banjo like instruments are common in Okinawa

Our hotel was actually a huge furnished apartment by the sea wall. One night, we had sushi at home, and in the morning, we could see F18s take off towards the ocean:

Obviously most of our time in Okinawa was actually for diving, and you can find those pictures on the Okinawa Diving Page to see the dive pictures from Okinawa.

See more images for Visiting Japan Day 4-8: Okinawa

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