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2013/06/02 Visiting Japan Day 13: Tokyo tour with Toda-San: MET views, Edo Tokyo Museum, Asakusa/Nakamise Dori, Mori Tower, Subayashi Jiro
π 2013-06-02 01:01 in Japan, Japan2013, Ntrips, Trips
After taking an early train from Nikko, we went back to Tokyo and went up the MET for some views. We then met Toda-San, our tokyo free guide (nice volunteer who likes to spend a day out showing the town to foreigners and speaking with them) and went to the Edo Tokyo Museum together, passing next to the Sumo arena. After that, we walked back to Asakusa via Nakamise Dori and all its shops and got to see the temple open this time. Eventually we headed back towards Mori tower for good views with our guide, before having dinner at Subayashi Jiro, one of the sons of the famous Jiro who is still serving the best sushi in Tokyo at 85 years old. We finished the night by going back to Mori tower for night views.

Pretty bullet train on our connection back to Tokyo from Nikko
Pretty bullet train on our connection back to Tokyo from Nikko

The lobby of the Hyatt we left our luggage at before going out to the MET for city views
The lobby of the Hyatt we left our luggage at before going out to the MET for city views

On our way to the Edo Tokyo Museum, we went by a sumo stadium

The Edo Tokyo Museum was a nice museum on early history of Tokyo, back when it was called Edo instead of Tokyo

nice way to get around in style
nice way to get around in style

nice little lunch in the museum
nice little lunch in the museum

Next, we walked towards Asakusa to see it during the day, with some views of the Tokyo Skytree on the way. This time we were able to get into the temple.

Next, we went to a nearby park before going up to the Mori tower for some great views:

you can actually walk on the roof of the Mori tower, for a great view
you can actually walk on the roof of the Mori tower, for a great view

After the Mori tower, we went to Subayashi Jiro for some very good sushi (albeit very expensive, $700 bill for two). You don't actually know how much you're going to pay in advance since it depends on what they're serving that day, and there are no prices the entire time, even for drinks or options. You only get a piece of paper with a number to pay at the end. It's the Japanese way I guess :)

Subayashi's dad, who runs the famous Sushi-ya in Ginza that the movie is based on
Subayashi's dad, who runs the famous Sushi-ya in Ginza that the movie is based on

The 'apprentice' who had been there for a mere 17 years or so :) Thankfully he had spent time in Australia and spoke English well
The 'apprentice' who had been there for a mere 17 years or so :) Thankfully he had spent time in Australia and spoke English well

it looks the same, but it's not :)
it looks the same, but it's not :)

it comes from a pretty big shell
it comes from a pretty big shell

needless to say that this just melts in your mouth, no chewing required
needless to say that this just melts in your mouth, no chewing required

finishing with the fluffy tamago omlet
finishing with the fluffy tamago omlet

the unknown bill until the end at least includes a picture if you wish :)
the unknown bill until the end at least includes a picture if you wish :)

After dinner, we went back to Mori tower for some great night views, before heading to our hotel for some rest:

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