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2013/06/01 Visiting Japan Day 12: Nikko
π 2013-06-01 01:01 in Japan, Japan2013, Ntrips, Trips
Nikko was our day trip out of Tokyo, we had to get up early to get the only direct 07:30 train from Shinjuku/Ikebukuro and got there in just under 2H. The owner of the pension nicely picked us up at the train station, took our luggage and dropped us off at the first temple to save us some time, super nice of him.

Tosho-gu was by far the most awesome temple we had seen anywhere in Japan. It's a great thing we saw it almost last, because it would have ruined all the other ones. The amount and quality of various art on the temple is just mind blowing. I'm not an art guy, but it was difficult not to appreciate this gem.

the art is absolutely beautiful
the art is absolutely beautiful

On the way out, we went through an open market and two more temples:

We then took a bus to lake Chuzenji to see Kegon Falls, the lake, a nature museum, and some quite snack by the lake while enjoying the views:

that monkey was trying to scare me off. I held my ground and it left :)
that monkey was trying to scare me off. I held my ground and it left :)

The bus ride down was fun, it was a fantastic road I would have loved to drive with the right car, and went to Pension l'Escale for the night where the owner, Fujita-San (Kaz) also cooked for us. The dinner was quite yummy and he was a great person to talk with (luckily in English since my Japanese was a _lot_ more limited than his English).

We were happy that we were able to sleep there and only worry about the 2H+ train back early the next morning.

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