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2011/09/16 Visiting Italy Day 15: Pompei and Herculaneum
π 2011-09-16 01:01 in Italy2011, Ntrips, Trips
We got an almost ok night in the sleeping car of the slow train that took us from Cinque Terre to Naples. After what we read on Naples, I opted not skip it since we had limited time and it was still not a super safe town. So, we went from the train directly to the local train that took us to Pompei.

Pompei was a great visit, it is pretty cool to see it in person. Thinking that you're walking on roman land from 2000+ years ago.

whorehouse :)
whorehouse :)

After Pompei, we took a train back to Herculaneum, which is quite different since it's in the middle of a neighborhood:

This was a really interesting day. It felt quite humbling to be in the middle civilization from two millenia ago. We then had just enough time to catch an early train to Rome, for our last stop in Italy (and despite having virtually no Italian, managed to talk ourselves onto an earlier and faster train to Rome. It's just like France, everything is negotiable after talking to the right person and saying the right things :)

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