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This is a collection of my blog entries about hiking
You can find all the pictures I've taken here, and read below for the more recent trips that I have recorded in blog entries

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2015/01/27 New Zealand Days 18-19: Tongariro Alpine Crossing
π 2015-01-27 01:01 in Hiking, Ntrips, Nz2015, Trips

Per recommendation from Arturo and others, we went to the national park to do a nice 6H hike across a volcano.

Unfortunately, I didn't realize when I was offered a guide to get across that it was utterly useless and because I don't really like being in a middle of a pack with other people, I paid ever more to get a private guide who eneded up waiting for another private group we got effectively stuck with, and sometimes he was just with them chatting as Jennifer and I just pressed forward without him.
Putting aside the waste of money, it was a very nice hike, and while we got rained on for the last 3rd with virtually no visibility, it fortunately happened at the end when the views were that that important anyway, so it wasn't a huge deal.

down down and down, but it was easy, I could just jump down and land in soft dirt, almost like sand
down down and down, but it was easy, I could just jump down and land in soft dirt, almost like sand

then the weather turned to shit :)
then the weather turned to shit :)

this birdie actually came to me to check me out and kept flying around me
this birdie actually came to me to check me out and kept flying around me

almost at the bottom
almost at the bottom

and done! :)
and done! :)

Here is the track: 19.6km, 1000m altitude gain, 7h with more than 1h of breaks and waiting for the other slower group.

The next morning, we went for a quick flight to see it from the sky, but weather wasn't good, so we only so a little bit:

the chateau where we stayed
the chateau where we stayed

nice grass strip
nice grass strip

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