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2017/08/09 Great Britain Day 15-16: York
π 2017-08-09 01:01 in Greatbritain2017, Ntrips, Trips, Uk

We took an early train from Edinburgh to York, went to our B&B to drop our luggage, and went right away to the nearby National Railway Museum (on its own page)

not a super bad ass looking train, but it got us there
not a super bad ass looking train, but it got us there

After the train museum, we went to York Minster, the local cathedral:

It was a bit of a mess getting tickets for it, but we did the climb to the top, which was fun and had good views:

We got a few views of town:

Pictures from inside:

During the day, we went to the museum by St Mary's Abbey:

We then had an early dinner and went for the evening walking tour through town (2H):

The next morning, we went early for the Jorvik Viking Center, which has nice exhibits and a nice tour/ride, but ridiculous lines, which thankfully I was able to get through with a fasttrack ticket:

Last, but not least, the poorly named "York Castle Wall", which is actually a fairly large museum of lots of things, including an old town recreation, and much more:

And it's also a bit of a museum of everything:

Once I was done with York, we could/should have just left early and gone to London, but we had a prebooked night in the B&B plus a prebooked train, so since we had time left in York one way or another, I took an uber to the nearby Yorkshire Air Museum

See more images for Great Britain Day 15-16: York

More pages: July 2017 August 2017

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