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2013/06/18 France Day 01: Chamonix
π 2013-06-18 01:01 in France, France2013, Ntrips, Trips
Day 1 was a bit tough since we got to bed by 01:00 due to the flight issues of the previous day, and the fact that we wanted to get to the peak early to catch good views before the clouds were forecast to roll in. I think we got up around 06:30 or somesuch.

While sleep was low, and time too early ;) the morning weather was beautiful. We walked from our hotel to the gondola for Aiguille du Midi (noon's peak).

so tempting to pick up a 2nd breakfast on the way :)
so tempting to pick up a 2nd breakfast on the way :)

beautiful view on the way up
beautiful view on the way up

lots of fresh pow in June still, but Johannes wasn't there with his splitboard :)
lots of fresh pow in June still, but Johannes wasn't there with his splitboard :)

slide danger was very minimal :)
slide danger was very minimal :)

this looks perfectly safe :)
this looks perfectly safe :)

Before going down, we stopped by the climbing museum they have up there:

We then stopped at the mid station to go hiking, but it was a late season for snow, so the path wasn't super clear. My GPS came in handy to make sure we were on the trail we couldn't always see. I talked Jannifer into buying hiking sticks, which turned out to be very handy considering the conditions in some places:

We stopped for a well deserved lunch with local wine and a view:

And then back to work towards the Montenver Glacier (mer de glace)

it wasn't bad the entire way
it wasn't bad the entire way

We got there too late to go down and see it though, so we took the little gear train down (it uses a gear into a track with holes to make sure it gets traction):

I used what was left of the day to see a crystals museum:

We then enjoyed some well deserved rest with the welcome in your room package we weren't able to use the previous night and headed out again for dinner (long days due to summer time):

See more images for France Day 01: Chamonix

More pages: June 2013 July 2013

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