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Table of Content for dining:

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2016/12/28 5 Course Tasting Menu at Alexandre, Bruxelles
π 2016-12-28 01:01 in Belgium, Dining, Ndining
After arriving in Bruxlles, we tried to make a reervation in the nice restaurants that were open, which was hard given that it was between Xmas and New Year's. Eventually some stupid tripadvisor owned side,, told us we had a reservation at Alexandre, when in fact we had none at all, and they did not expect us at all when we showed up.
Thankfully they very nicely agreed to take us anyway, although we were limited to the 5 course tasting menu instead of the full 9-10 course one. Life can be tough that way at times :)

2016/12/25 Xmas with my Mom
π 2016-12-25 01:01 in Dining, Family, Ndining
Another year, another Xmas lunch with my Mom, brother and family. Nice day as always:

2016/12/21 Multiple Dinners around Xmas with my Dad, Francs, and Hodges
π 2016-12-21 01:01 in Dining, Family, Ndining
Multiple dinners over multiple days with different family and friends. Lots of food, and good times:

And we also got invited by my brother for yet another dinner :)

2016/12/06 Jennifer's Anniversary Dinner at Benu, San Francisco
π 2016-12-06 01:01 in Dining, Ndining
For Jennifer's 42th's BD, we had a very nice dinner at Benu, the other michelin 3 star restaurant in San Francisco. It was Asian inspired cooking, a mix of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, with quite interesting ingredients for some dishes.
While expensive, it's noticeably cheaper than its rival Saison while being just as good and offering more dishes to try without coming out totally stuffed or in a sugar comma after 3 or 4 desserts :)

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