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2022/07/28 Staying in Mechelen
π 2022-07-28 01:01 in Belgium, Ntrips
Finding a place to stay during Tomrrowland is non trivial. I had a friend who recommended Mechelen, since it was not too far by bus (when it did run), unfortunately by taxi, it was closer to 100E most times...

Either way, Mechelen is a nice little town with a few attractions, and the main one is the central plaza is definiely worth a visit, especially for its cathedral:

like many old cities, it's surrounded by water for protection
like many old cities, it's surrounded by water for protection

the music box mechanism that ran the bells, was impressive:

And of course, there was the view at the top, which was excellent:

you could barely see Bruxelles in the distance
you could barely see Bruxelles in the distance

See more images for Staying in Mechelen

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