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2017/10/19 Oz Day 13-14: Sweers Island
π 2017-10-19 01:01 in Australia, Flying, Nflying, Ntrips, Ozsafari2017, Trips

We did a nice flight to Sweers Island, we flew by some rivers to look for crocks, but didn't get lucky:

finally made it to the ocean
finally made it to the ocean

sweers island's dirt runway
sweers island's dirt runway

bring your own tie downs
bring your own tie downs

We then spent 1.5 days on the island:

nice colorful bird
nice colorful bird

The next morning we went for a quick fishing trip, the conditions were not ideal due to the wind:

I caught 2 fish, but they were too small to eat
I caught 2 fish, but they were too small to eat

After the sun wasn't as hot, we did a walking loop around the island:

lots of mangroves
lots of mangroves

the aborigenes built this wall to catch fish
the aborigenes built this wall to catch fish

ack through the airport
ack through the airport


While the island was not overly exciting, I guess it was a nice place to rest...

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