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2007/01/20 Re-Visiting Cairns, Australia
π 2007-01-20 01:01 in Australia, Ntrips, Trips
This time, I took Jennifer :) This was after our trip in Sydney, and before we went diving on the spirit of freedom.

I took Jennifer to Kuranda too, but this time we got there a bit earlier, and got to see the animal sanctuaries (including very friendly birds, as well as butterflies):

hello :)
hello :)

this parrot liked me and just flew on me and stayed with me during the visit
this parrot liked me and just flew on me and stayed with me during the visit

the gift shop had another big parrot that liked my hat :)
the gift shop had another big parrot that liked my hat :)

nice nibble
nice nibble

Jennifer went to pet those very small kangaroos :)
Jennifer went to pet those very small kangaroos :)

After we were all done, we took the train back down:

The next day, we did a Draintree, Cape Tribulation tour, sadly it was raining quite a bit:

From Cairns, I was able to rent a plane, and we did a quick flight over the great barrier reef:

We then went diving on the Spirit of Freedom:

And that was it for Cairns, nice little town:

lots of bats sleeping in the trees
lots of bats sleeping in the trees

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