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2021/08/23 4 Days around London
π 2021-08-23 01:01 in England2021, Ntrips, Uk
As part of my 2021 quick festival tour of england, ultimately for Creamfields and ABGT 450, I first arrived in London.
I had already done a pretty thorough visit of London in 2017, so I went to look for extra things I hadn't seen yet, some slightly outside of London (like the RAF Museum or Bletchley Park) -

United managed to get me there 3 hours late, so I was late for my private appointement and tour of Mclaren Technology Centre in Woking, but thankfully they were half shutdown (August holidays), so while I had a slightly more limited tour (factory floor was closed), my host Jeff nicely waited for me and gave me a nice private tour (read more about it here:

After a way overpriced cab to Woking so that I wouldn't be more late than necessary, I took a train to London:

After checking in my hotel, I went to meet my schoolmate Jerome Abela for a nice dinner at Orrery. Yummy french food with seared foie gras :)

For day #2, my plan was to go to London's RAF Museum, which is somewhat outside of London:

On my way back, I had enough time to go see a few others museums. I started with the British Libary which had its room of treasures closed last time I went:

Next, I went to the London Transport Museum which was actually a good visit outside of them having limitations on number of people who can visit:

I then had enough time for a couple of nice crepes (my first meal of the day), before going to see a musical (back to the future) after walking around a bit to burn time until the show:

the show was pretty good, I enjoyed it
the show was pretty good, I enjoyed it

Day #3, I had to take my post arrival covid test, which seemed very pointless as it took 7 days from arrival to get the results, but it was required for my trip to the UK:

I then took a train to [Betchley park and the National Museum of Computing, which took the entire day, they were fantastic (click me)|perso/sciencemuseums/post_2021-08-25_Bletchley-Park-_-National-Museum-of-Computing.html]

By the time I was done (full day), got a train back to London to spend the rest of the evening:

One cool thing about public transport in London is that you can now just tap your android phone and get in and out without a ticket.

I went to se Mary Poppins that night. The not so great thing was that on one was wearing a mask. Unsurprisingly London got a lot more covid after that:

Harry Potter wasn't ready yet
Harry Potter wasn't ready yet

it was a pretty good show
it was a pretty good show

anyone who knows above and beyond acoustic, knows why I took this picture :)
anyone who knows above and beyond acoustic, knows why I took this picture :)

Day #4, I had some time in the morning to go see Mme Tussauds (much better than I expected) before taking a train to Warrington where I was going for Creamfields.

All in all, it was not an in depth visit of London, but it wasn't meant to be either. Very happy that I got to see the RAF Museum, the British Library, and Betchley Park. Those alone were worth the trip, glad I got to see them.

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2021/08/26 4 Days in Warrington for Creamfields
π 2021-08-26 01:01 in England2021, Ntrips, Uk
So, given that it was 4 days of my England 2021 trip (and actually the main reason for the trip in the first place), I have to mention Warrington where I stayed four nights at an AirBnB. Getting lodging was challenging to say the least.

So, there is honestly no reason to go to Warrington, unless you're going to Creamfields, which is what I did (read creamfields report). There is unfortunately no real usable public transport to go to creamfields, and it's a really long walk. I would have gotten a bike, but it was not easy to rent one either (and still a 30mn+ ride).
I ended up relying on uber, which doesn't formally cover the city, but with a bit of luck, you could get a car driving around the area. Cabs were not super timely or reliable either. The biggest issue was getting back from creamfields, the busses were limited, the taxi line was 1h+, and getting an uber on saturday or sunday was really hard.
You're apparently supposed to camp onsite, but given that it's a mud field with occasional torrential rains, and that I had lots of electronics to keep safe and charge overnight, that was a non starter, so I went the uber route and had to get very creative to get back on saturday and sunday

So there you go for Warrington. It is neatly located between Liverpool and Manchester, so there is that :)

2021/08/30 Manchester Day Trip
π 2021-08-30 01:01 in England2021, Ntrips, Uk
As part of my 2021 quick festival tour of england, after visiting Creamfields, I wen tfrom Warrington towards Manchester, because why not?

I'll be honest that Manchester is not a must go destination. I was nearby and had an extra day, so I went to check it out. It had a couple of non essential but decent enough museums, and an ok cathedral :) -

Given that trains were complicated and the Manchester Imperial War Museum North was inconvenient to get to via public transport, so I just took a direct uber there, Manchester is not too far. Because it was a day trip without a car, I had my luggage in tow, which made all museums uneasy, they are so scared about bombs and they don't care about profiling, everyone is a suspect. After looking at my luggage, they agreed to stash it during my visit, The museum was ok:

those small tethered blimbs were put over potential targets to entangle planes that might want to attack
those small tethered blimbs were put over potential targets to entangle planes that might want to attack

It was a decent enoough museum, after I was done, I took another uber to the Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (click me). It was only ok given that its biggest hangar with planes was being renovated:

After that, like an idiot who can't plan, I totally spaced on the fact that there was a google office that I forgot to visit, oops, so instead I went to the cathedral before it closed, and caught the next hourly train to Liverpool:

After things were closing up in Manchester, took a direct train to Liverpool, just about 1h away

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2021/08/31 Full Day in Liverpool
π 2021-08-31 01:01 in England2021, Ntrips, Uk
As part of my 2021 quick festival tour of england, after visiting Creamfields, I went from Warrington to Manchester, and then Liverpool.

I had already been in liverpool for less than half a day in 2017. but only saw the museum of liverpool and maritime museum, and the 2 cathedrals (then again, not bad for less than half a day). So this time, I went to see the rest :)

After getting there the night before, I was setup for the next day.

The next morning, I got up bright and early and went to see Beatles Story first:

I had a quick look at the maritime museum again, although I had mostly seen it last time:

The Tate Liverpool, I had a quick look, but modern art is never really my thing:

Next, I went to visit the Western Approaches WWII Museum, which is a bunch of displays in underground bunkers, not unlike the similar churchill museum in london. Definitely a cool visit:

After that, I went to see the two cathedrals again. Sure, I had seen them, but they're neat, so I went back:

the other more modern cathedral
the other more modern cathedral

the nice museums I had been to
the nice museums I had been to

darn, the photo was off by a bit :)
darn, the photo was off by a bit :)

From there, I still couldn't get the damn electric scooters working because they required to validate my drivers license, sigh..., so it was a long walk to the world museum, where I spent the rest of the day. As explained in the separate page (click me), the world museum is an everything museum, and it was actually quite good:

And that was it for visiting Liverpool, it definitely has plenty to see (1.5 to 2 days at least).

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