2020-05-07 00:00
in Public
Ok, it's not "real" wildlife, but it's still fun to see a few animals in your backyard.
Then, we have little lizards everywhere (well, big and small). The small ones are easy to catch :)
grippy claws :)
We've also heard racoons at night, and I was able to snap a couple of pictures. Thankfully they don't seem too bold and too much of a pest like we've heard they can be:
Howeer, what we have quite a bit is lovely possums, we mistakenly caught a few and of course released them:
such a cutie
it wasn't too scared to eat
we got another one the next day, or was it the same?
Ah, but the subject of pests brings us to gophers. Those fuckers have been making swiss cheese out of our lawn. Since repellents don't help, I've been using smokers in their tunnels, and poisnned worms they're supposed to eat. That seems to have helped with the problem, but I think we still have a couple left.
We even ended up with a skunk, oopos:
it was tricky to get out without being sprayed
We also have the occasional rabbit:
And rats: