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2017/12/30 Paris' Cluny Museum and remains of Roman Baths
π 2017-12-30 01:01 in Museums, Paris
So, Cluny aka the medieval museum, has quite a good collection of medieval artifacts, including exquisite books. However, it's known specifically for the "dame รก la licorne" and other beautiful tapestries. We had done a quick tour in the past, but it was worth going back for a better look, and a special guided visit to the roman baths in that same building.

just like the Bayeux Tapestry, they have a long colorful tapestry telling a full story
just like the Bayeux Tapestry, they have a long colorful tapestry telling a full story

The museum's building has a colorful history, but its older parts go all the way back to much bigger roman baths that were 3 times bigger than the footprint that is left, as well as an old castle/hotel that was build next to what was left, re-using some of the walls. However, underground, you can still see what is left of the baths, and while it doesn't rival Bath, UK, or Baden Baden, Germany, it's still interesting to see that in the middle of Paris:

some bits were clearly built later
some bits were clearly built later

Cool little visit.

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