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2014/05/04 Visiting Japan Day 1-3: Yonaguni
π 2014-05-04 01:01 in Japan, Japan2014, Ntrips, Trips
This year we started by flying directly to Yonaguni, the western-most Japanese island, across the water from Taiwan. That was SFO to Narita to Nara (Okinawa) to Yonaguni.

monorail in Okinawa
monorail in Okinawa

finally arrived in Yonaguni in 'great' weather
finally arrived in Yonaguni in 'great' weather

The weather sucked in Yonaguni, we were not able to dive on the first day, we stayed in the villa from the diving shop. To be honest, Yonaguni really doesn't have much to visit, if you're not there for diving or get away from everything else, you're likely going to be bored:

You can go to the Yonaguni Diving Page to see the dive pictures from Yonaguni.

See more images for Visiting Japan Day 1-3: Yonaguni

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