LinuxWorld Convention & Expo Summer 2000
Unfortunately, because I was presenting and giving a talk on
Unix Passwords at
SVLUG at the time, I didn't make it to
LinuxWorld winter in New York.
However, I did make it to the Summer show and it was really big compared to last
year: the show floor took over all the space they had, which forced them to
move the Keynote Hall to a building across the street
What's in this page?
My coverage of the four days of linuxworld expo summer 2000. It contains my
review of the events, and many pictures that I took during the show.
I hope you enjoy your virtual visit of the expo (I also have other
reviews from previous events on my linux page)
Marc Merlin
The Show
In addition to using the keynote floor for booths, they had booths in the
halls, and according to Charly Greco, president of IDG, they had 200 companies
with booth space, and had to refuse another 50, for which they weren't
able to get any space in their 17000 square meters of booth space (that's
about 170,000 square feet for the metric system challenged people
Charly announced that next year, they'll looking at the Moscone Center in San
Francisco. Darn, the morning drive from the Silicon Valley is going to suck!
Another interesting point is that Linus didn't do a keynote this time.
Last year, he said that they begged him and that he could talk about anything
but this year Linus decided not to talk. Eh, I can't blame him, everyone wants
him to talk everywhere, and it takes time to prepare those talks anyway
This expo, it was difficult to ignore the BSD presence in the show, and that's
a good thing. The BSDs out there do deserve recognition and can step in in areas
where linux isn't necessarily the best choice yet.
Oh, and if you're looking for a report of this years'
Geeks with Guns, I'm
afraid I don't have any because it conflicted with the VA party. That said, I
was also told that some were actually relieved that I wasn't going because they
didn't want to be photographed there. Never mind the fact that it's easy to ask
me not to take pictures, or to erase a picture I already took, I'm not quite
sure why one would want to hide one's presence at a proud event like Geeks with
Guns. Oh well...
A big thank you goes to all the companies that put out parties, offered the
Email gardens, free training in their booth, and generally helped the show
be successful.
Obviously the IDG folks also deserve a hand for the successful show, which
was run very professionally.
Last words
It was once again a grueling 4 days, not counting the too many hours it took
me to write these pages
I'll have to admit that some of the conferences were lacking (although we had
a few really good ones too, like Rusty's). LWCE isn't a technical conference and
now that Linuxexpo in North Carolina is dead, I guess I'll have to start going
to OLS and ALS
And here's the now usual little footer note:
If you'd like to use some pictures or text, please Email me first.
'Till next time
Marc Merlin
PS: Doesn't this superbly illustrate my sigfile:
Microsoft is to software what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
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