Sorry we don't agree

The link to this page used to have a suitable warning that by clicking you would get a demo of how unreliable IE is, and it contained several bugs that would crash several versions of IE and windows.
I have removed this functionality from this page for the following reasons: Given the answer that brought you to this page, I take it you're probably not interested, but just in case, here are two links dealing with microsoft: 1 and 2. They have a lot of information, but since there is lots to read, I more specifically recommend the following articles:

Why Microsoft must be boycotted (short version)

Microsoft's bag of dirty tricks
The Six Serendipities of Microsoft
A Case Study in Suppressing Innovation and Competition
Microsoft Makes its Move on Java
Manifest Destiny, Delayed
The Case for Eminent Domain

My goal is not to quick out people who are stuck with windoze or IE for some reason or another, I just hope that you'll take some time to learn a little bit more about the company whose products you are using

Anyway, if you still wish to, you can enter my site here

[Anti-MS logo]

99/11/18 (23:49): Version 2.0. Removed all the harmful code and replaced it with text