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2024/05/17 Back to my Yearly Happy Place, EDC Vegas
π 2024-05-17 01:01 in Clubbing, Edc, Festivals
So this year is a bit special, 2 EDCs! I indeed went to EDC Mexico as a last minute thing, and it is a pretty good scaled down version of EDC Vegas. It was a lot of fun, but of course it doesn't really compare with the real EDC, honestly I think nothing in the world, does.

In the last years, a lot of people are now camping by EDC, which helps the traffic somewhat:

That said, I've heard the shiftpods in CampEDC, are a joke, and that the heat is unbearable in them despite some AC that can't keep up with the Vegas sun. To be honest, it always felt like a bad idea to me, and I guess RVs are probably the only thing that are somewhat reasonable and indeed save you the daily 1h+ commute in and out. I still went with that using the premium shuttles which kept the travel time to 1H or less, but they are not cheap ($250-ish per person). The regular shuttles are half price, but the lines are much longer...

Great to start with this reminder:

yes to plur and good vibes!
yes to plur and good vibes!

This is what the craziness looks during the day:

but of course that's nothing from the magic at night:

So, let's go back and look around:

The Grounds:

Few people can ever say they saw all of EDC, because even if you try there is a lot, and if you count Passport that few people have access to, all the VIP areas, or the big Skydeck area for Kinetic Fields, with its own grounds and attractions, or the Artist/DJ Village, few people have access to all of it. And even if you do, it's easy to miss some small corner somewhere or even something not that small like No Man's Land by wasteland:

The VIP areas were cool:

this rain/water maze was definitely fun
this rain/water maze was definitely fun

nice raised area by Kinetic Fields
nice raised area by Kinetic Fields

Passport is also a nice area as always and good vantage point of the craziness:

great views from there
great views from there

Of course you'll also find random stuff like video games:

Downtown EDC was moved, but the square area in the middle is lots of fun:

kandi casino was awesome again
kandi casino was awesome again

More nice areas:

And more:

Plenty of vendors. Most were fine, but I wasn't a huge fan of the vaping one looking to hook more people to nicotine, and I don't overly mind the pot vendor(s) since honestly at least that provides some benefits to some and isn't nearly as addictive:

So many rides again, too bad the lines were so long...

yes, you can get help :)

As always, a good way to see EDC, is from higher up, and the ferris wheels are the best way to do it:

Fireworks and Drones

Of course fireworks are one of the best things from EDC, 01:41 every night this year:

Fireworks video here:

The People

I often tell people, especially in Europe, that one of the things I really enjoy about US festivals, is the amount of costumes and other cool outfits. Obviously I do my best to participate to that trned:

TFSF Group picture:

Of course, running into friends is a good part of the fun:

and fun totems, 'this is the way'
and fun totems, 'this is the way'

I've made some great friends from EDC/Dreamstate shows, some are engineers like me :)
I've made some great friends from EDC/Dreamstate shows, some are engineers like me :)

Hi Ulrich! :)
Hi Ulrich! :)


Kandi is serious business :)
Kandi is serious business :)

More TFSF Crew
More TFSF Crew

The Insomniac entertainers were fantastic as always:

check out the costumes!
check out the costumes!

Pixie again! Much love.
Pixie again! Much love.

And it was so much fun to be able to meet favorite DJs as always:

Got to see Daxson 4 times in 2 weeks :)
Got to see Daxson 4 times in 2 weeks :)

haha, normally I clean my lens better than this :)
haha, normally I clean my lens better than this :)

Kepik, the new 7 lions!
Kepik, the new 7 lions!

But anyway, let's get on with the festival:

Day #1

Just like last years, took an uber on the first day to get there early since the shuttles get stuck in commuter traffic on fridays, and went to enjoy the grounds. The shuttles were nice, but I don't understand why the first shuttle got moved to 18:30 instead of 18:00. Taking the 18:00 shuttle allowed to arrive for 19:00 and not miss the first set, leaving at 18:30 guarantees arriving late :-

interesting new church design for Kinetic Fields
interesting new church design for Kinetic Fields

Quantum Valley was again fantastic this year
Quantum Valley was again fantastic this year

Paul did a nice set this year
Paul did a nice set this year

seeing GO again just a few days after Rong/Malta
seeing GO again just a few days after Rong/Malta

Video Summary:

Day #2

Day #2 was almost mostly spent at Quantum Valley, because trance! :)

Great to see Miyuki rise all the way to EDC, congrats!

seeing sunset is always lovely
seeing sunset is always lovely

Video Summary:

Day #3

Day 3 was time to roam around and go check out everything else. 15 stages total counting the art cars, that's a lot! (actually I think there were more stages if you count passport and others).

Made sure not to miss Seven Lions at Circuit Grounds, epic set!

Then Cosmic Meadows:

And finished the night all the way to sunrise at Quantum Valley:

Stayed mostly until the end, always nice to see sunrise on the way out:

Video Summary:

Should you go? Would I go Back?

At this point, note that this text is mostly the same as last years, since it's still valid :)

EDC Vegas is probably the most impressive EDM Night Festival in the world. Tomorrowland is a rival but it's not a night festival as more challenges I'm not as much a fan of (never mind of course the distance for me or the fact that you mostly can't buy tomorrowland tickets, while you can for EDC).

Like previous times:

  • Decors are just fantastic, along with so many performers. That's the best part about EDC. Even better now that I know and recognize some fo the performers (Hi Pixie)
  • Like other insomniac festivals, all the staff truly cares and goes all out. Many small details that get sometimes missed elsewhere, are usually flawless. I'll even add that actually they are the most detail oriented, over achieving people I have seen. The amount of small details I absolutely do notice, how every corner of the racetrack is used for decors, the amount of light strings and LEDs, across ridiculous distances, and it just works all night, even night !?!? I have no words.
  • This year again, security was more than reasonable as usual, thank you. Enough police onsite to help keep things safe, I personally like that.
  • 19:00 to 05:30 is 10:30h of partying for 3 days, lots of fun! Actually first day does start at 17:00 (Cosmic Meadows only), and the next 2 days that used to start at 17:00 do not anymore, but I'm sure that for those at Camp EDC, there are plenty of parties there.
  • So many free carnival rides, lots of fun, but the lines were too long for most, wasn't able to justify spending the time in line to enjoy them.
  • So many stages also, 15 if you count art cars this year!
  • Is it worth flying across the world for? Yes, absolutely, there is nothing else like this on earth.
  • Conclusion/Other thoughts

    Thoughts about this year:

  • Insomniac: please give exact GPS pin locations for the projected shuttle stops. Sometimes they are 1 mile away from the fake address given and it really makes a difference when picking hotels
  • Insomniac: why were the first shuttles moved to 18:30? Please put them back to 18:00 so that you can take that and not miss the first set.
  • Insomniac: I'm sure you read the comments on people with a very bad experiences and serious medical issues (heat exhaustion) related in Camp EDC. Given the cost of those, please make sure they have proper shade, burning man style, or it's not going to work and continue to ruin the experiences of people who can't deal with that amount of heat in the day.
  • Insomniac: Quantum Valley was absoutely gorgeous this year again, way better than all stages from dreamstate queen mary combined. Please bring back upside down U megastructures for dreamstate.
  • I got used to the 2 day only trance lineup and going around to enjoy everything else on day 3. All in all that's actually a good thing.
  • Moving Quantum Valley next to Kinetic Fields and the shuttles entrance/exit was sooo convenient for me. I'm of course biased about my own preference there, but loved that :)
  • EDC continued to add new art installations, removed a few, moved stages around, kept things fresh. I liked that.
  • I'll repeat that all the insomniac staff and insomniac entertainers were top notch as always. I mean seriously they were jumping and smiling all night each time I saw them. I know it's their job, but kudos to them for having so much positive energy for so long.
  • The toxic waste depot in the tunnel where pixel forest tunnel used to be, was a very cool new installation
  • The visuals on all stages were top notch again. Nothing beats EDC there.
  • Thank you to everyone at the insomniac team, all the performers, all the volunteers who put so much effort into making so many details right all over the place, with the great result that we all got to enjoy..

  • Pictures of all 3 days:
  • Pictures of the grounds and people:
  • Concatenation of all the IG stories I recorded during the event:
  • Summary of Day #1:
  • Summary of Day #2:
  • Summary of Day #3:
  • So long, see you next time!

    So long, my dreamstate girlfriends :)
    So long, my dreamstate girlfriends :)

    2024/05/09 Rong Open Air Festival Malta 2024
    π 2024-05-09 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals

    Rong Events is not new at festivals, but it was their first time organizing one in Malta, and it went really well. I think the best way you can summarize the festival is that it's a Malta version of Unkonscious in Thailand:

  • mostly by the beach/nice weather
  • some regular clubs and some beach clubs
  • multiple locations (4 total)
  • optional boat party
  • more intimate, easier to meet DJs smaller, scale festival, more cozy (like lumi used to be, but less today as it has grown)
  • 2 stages at most. No major fomo of missing lots of sets every hour :)
  • plenty of partying at night with cool lights, lasers, fireworks (unlike lumi which is over 90% during the day in blazing sun and often with insufficient shade)
  • this is not a competitor to lumi, this is what lumi likely used to be when it was still small an more intimate, and before it became the maybe over big event it is today. Some will prefer the craziness of 4 stages 11H straight at lumi (puting aside the sound bleed and other issues with 2 stages) at lumi, while others will prefer 1 or 2 stages and less running around. To each their own.
  • Unkonscious was 6 days and more spread out (longer distances, up to 2H between places), Rong Malta was only 4 days and places were 30mn away at most (from Cafe del mar to Uno or the boat party pier).
  • Was 4 days not as good as 6? Oh boy no, 4 days was plenty. I had so much fun and was so dead at the end. Honestly 6 days of Unkonscious was almost gruesome, no I was good with 4. The 2 festivals of course do not compete that much because of how far away they are. Even for me in California, Thailand is still farther away by plane than Malta, and for Europeans Malta is of course a much easier hop.

    The one slight downside of both festivals is it's a bit harder to figure out where to stay or whether to change hotels. In the case of Unkonscious, you had to move at least once (from Pattaya to Bangkok). In the case of Rong Open Air Festival Malta, things were close enough that you could stay anywhere and use bolt to get around within 20 to 30mn at most, not bad. The festival did come with a hotel package (Bora Bora hotel), but in hindsight it was probably not the best choice as most things happened at Uno, and I found the $150 "booking" fee in the package (added to the hotel price) a bit steeper than necessary.

    Malta Day 1, Thursday: Bora Bora Hotel Pool Party: 15:00 to 22:00

    Day 1 was easy if you stayed at the hotel, it was right there. If you were lucky enough with your room (I was not), you could see the stage and just enjoy the show from your patio, but either way you could just open the sliding door and enjoy from your room for a while if you wanted. The stage was simple but worked, and we narrowly avoided rain (just a tiny bit), so it was a good time up to the 22:00 curfew (not everyone in the hotel was part of the festival)

    reorder closed that evening at 22:00
    reorder closed that evening at 22:00

    Video Summary of Day 1:

    Malta Day 2, Friday: Uno Malta: 16:00 to 04:00

    Day 2 was a combination of day party and night party at Uno, about 20mn away from Bora Bora:

    the bars were well equipped
    the bars were well equipped

    Our new swiss festival lover friends
    Our new swiss festival lover friends

    Daxson threw a great set
    Daxson threw a great set

    finally got to see Alex Morph play again
    finally got to see Alex Morph play again

    and finally got to take this picture with him with an outfit I had gotten ready years ago
    and finally got to take this picture with him with an outfit I had gotten ready years ago

    Always nice to see Lange, I've listened to him since the ASOT 100 days
    Always nice to see Lange, I've listened to him since the ASOT 100 days

    Paul Van Dyk went next
    Paul Van Dyk went next

    and he graciously met the crowd after his set
    and he graciously met the crowd after his set

    Rob and Anna both from Dublin, got re-united after some 20 years :)
    Rob and Anna both from Dublin, got re-united after some 20 years :)

    last time I saw Dave Pearse was 20 years ago in Ibiza
    last time I saw Dave Pearse was 20 years ago in Ibiza

    Scott Project ended the night
    Scott Project ended the night

    Video Summary of Day 2:

    Malta Day 3, Saturday: Cafe Del Mar

    Malta being the new Ibiza, they have all the famous Ibiza clubs, including of course Cafe Del Mar. And their Cafe del Mar is also absolutely gorgerous

    surviving in the sun :)
    surviving in the sun :)

    our lovely new swiss friends
    our lovely new swiss friends

    Woohoo, we got 2 more sets from Ruben
    Woohoo, we got 2 more sets from Ruben

    don't laugh, so many pictures, so many festivals, I have to keep up real time, or there is no way I can keep doing these reports before it's 3 months later and no one cares ;) I actually finished writing this festival report in the shuttles to/from EDC Vegas 4 days later ;)
    don't laugh, so many pictures, so many festivals, I have to keep up real time, or there is no way I can keep doing these reports before it's 3 months later and no one cares ;) I actually finished writing this festival report in the shuttles to/from EDC Vegas 4 days later ;)

    And finally came the magical time of sunset


    and to finsh the day party, a few bonus fireworks!

    Malta Day 3, Saturday Part 2: Uno Malta

    Of course the "day" was just starting, after getting back from Cafe del Mar, we all went to Uno Malta and got see Bogdan Vix again, the head in chief of fortune trance stage at Untold! (Wait, you haven't been to Untold? Go fix this, it's not too late: August 8th to 11th 2024, read my past reports like this one).

    Craig Connelly was next:

    Uno had 2 stages, and easy to stage hop. Metta & Glyde were on stage 2:

    And then, got so lucky to get another performance of gouryella, I was in heaven:

    I wasn't prepared for it, so the first 10mn were hand recorded, and then I managed to do this for the last 50mn
    I wasn't prepared for it, so the first 10mn were hand recorded, and then I managed to do this for the last 50mn

    the visuals are always the fun part for me
    the visuals are always the fun part for me

    So, I really really love Gouryella and recorded the whole set (shaking goes away after 10mn):

    Next, was key4050, John O Callaghan and Bryan Kearney:

    Maria Healy on stage 2:

    and the night went on until 04:00, but for me it was time for a bit of sleep :)

    Video Summary of Day 3:

    Malta Day 4, Sunday: Boat Party

    The boat party was hard to get to, each time I looked for it online, it wasn't for sale, and then it got sold out quickly. The boat was not super big, so space was limited. It was nice and cozy and enjoyable to boat around the island and see its forts:

    Anselli opened
    Anselli opened

    Markus Schulz played most of the trip, nice set
    Markus Schulz played most of the trip, nice set

    nice views along the way
    nice views along the way

    Liam Wilson took us home after Markus
    Liam Wilson took us home after Markus

    Video Summary of Day 4 Boat Party:

    Malta Day 4, Sunday Part 2: Uno Day Party

    After the boat, the party was supposed to be at our hotel, Bora Bora, but when we got back there, we found out it had been moved to Uno. To be fair, Uno was a better club, but it would have been nice to have the party at our hotel and watch it from our room and hear it while we were packing our luggage to promptly get out sunday night/monday morning for an early flight out. Packed all the luggage and took a cab to Uno to catch the end of the day party (unfortunately missed some sets both due to the boat party and then the party being moved away from our hotel):

    hi Craig!
    hi Craig!

    Sander Van Doorn
    Sander Van Doorn

    To be honest, it got nicer as things got cooler, and at 22:00 the rest of Uno opened for the followup night party.

    Malta Day 4, Sunday Part 3: Uno Night Party

    So technically it was supposed to be part 3 (from Bora Bora to Uno), but ultimately it was a Uno for both. Liam Wilson whom we had just seen on the boat, opened the evening party:

    Christina Novelli took over after that for a banging set:

    she took time to meet many fans afterwards
    she took time to meet many fans afterwards

    FactorB, OMG, what a set. I wasn't ready for it, didn't get to record it outside of a few clips, not sure it was recorded, but pure joy it was:

    he also went to meet the crowd afterwards
    he also went to meet the crowd afterwards

    Then Aly and Fila did a lovely melody and dreamy set:

    he also nicely met his fans afterwards
    he also nicely met his fans afterwards

    Giuseppe Ottaviani took over:

    And I had just missed Maddix in SF because I had alrady gone to Europe but got to see his set in Malta:

    And Will Atkinson closed the night. I was only able to stay for half his set due to having to run to the airport and catch the flight back home. As always, he was full of energy:

    And boy, just like that, it was over. It went by so fast, but at the same time I was *sooo* exhausted at the end, of course with a huge smile on my face. Barely made it to the 2 planes home, and caught up on sleep there.

    Video Summary of Day 4:


    The festival itself was reasonably priced, a few other things, less so. Random pictures that will answer your pricing questions:

    merch was not cheap
    merch was not cheap

    alcohol was 'festival priced' :), water half the price of lumi
    alcohol was 'festival priced' :), water half the price of lumi

    food was mostly ok, only downside is you couldn't buy any food anywhere without wristband money
    food was mostly ok, only downside is you couldn't buy any food anywhere without wristband money

    How about the festival price? $188 for 4 days and all the parties (not including boat party) was honestly a very good price. The bora bora hotel package was overpriced in my opinion though. $250/night for a room here that ultimately wasn't well located for most parties except the first day, was not the best in hindsight, and I was not impressed by the additional $103 booking fee for the hotel only, which was totally non refundable or changeable (I booked the package early trusting that the hotel was the place to be, and when I realized later that not so much, I was told I was stuck with that package and no hotel refunds were possible, not even after losing the booking fee). That is honestly the only thing I regret getting, but the festival itself was super well priced, definitely fantastic value.

    General Admission Festival Tickets 2024 - GA | Second Release:          $188.28  ×2
    BORA BORA HOTEL - Superior Triple Balcony Urban View May 8 - 13 2024: $1,035.52
    Subtotal                                                              $1,412.08
    General Admission | Second Release - Booking Fee	                 $18.82
    Superior Triple Balcony Urban View - Booking Fee	                $103.55
    General Admission | Second Release - Booking Fee                         $18.82
    Total:                                                                $1,553.27

    Other Thoughts

    Even though it was the first year, the festival sold out VIP and things like the boat party. Even regular tickets, it felt that they couldn't have sold a lot more without getting into capacity issues, so all it all, that was great: they sold plenty of tickets, hopefully made money, but not enough to have it packed and uncomfortable for us. I also give them credit for not selling more tickets than they had room for for things like VIP and boat party, that shows they care about the experience first, not making more money at all cost.
    I do realize that after telling you I had a great time, if you all go and the organizers don't cap tickets, the event will get over crowded and less fun. I however do have reasonable hope they will do the right thing if this happens, and the good news is how many trance festivals we can choose from this year, so hopefully it will spread the attendee load and allow them to stay reasonably small and intimate.

    Parting thoughts:

  • I went to this festival because after my terrible experience at lumi last year (I totally understand most people did have a good time there last year), I asked you all for suggestions and you gave this event, thank you. I had so much more fun than at lumi, loved the better variety, a lot less sun and more night, better food options, better organizers and much more. Sure, it didn't have 4 tracks every hour of plenty of music I would miss since I can only be at one stage at once anyway. Also, lumi had at least one stage that was terrible due to small size and sound bleed (sunset) and another one that was so so depending on the direction of the wind and the smell of the bathrooms right next to it. Honestly, I didn't miss any of that, one of 2 stages was a lot easier, and not dealing with the lumi "the customer is the enemy" bar bouncers security team, was very refreshing.
  • tap water in malta is supposed to be drinkable, but locals seem not to trust it somehow. There were no water fountains or refill stations at the festivals, just bottled water for sale. I know we are spoiled by Insomniac and all its US events for this, making sure everyone hydrates and limiting pointless plastic bottle waste is honestly a win win. You could refill water from bathrooms if you wanted, but given the uncertainty of the water safety, official water fountains would be better. That said, bottled water was half the price of lumi, and you could get other water if you really wanted, or get in and out anyway.
  • yes, in and outs were allowed at each venue every day, which was much appreciated and not true of many other festivals. Ok, maybe for the boat party, in and out required swimming in the ocean :)
  • The required wristband money was unfortunately the only big minus for me. While some festivals call it cashless and for our convenience, the ones that truly mean it take contactless credit cards and phone tap to pay (all US festivals I've been to, including eclipse festival that had optional wristband money, but also accepted contactless credit cards. Other festivals like lumi also do it. Even lumi, for all the issues I have with it, does do the right thing and take contactless credit cards and pay by phone. Unfortunately this one did not and required loading money on a wristband and trusting them to be a bank, which I don't really want to trust any festival to be. Being a bank is hard, and pretty much every festival gets it wrong in various ways. Getting money back was apparently possible but requited special work and only if it was more than $5. This is just extra work and worries that are not needed for a festival.
  • Security was top notch, more below...
  • Let's talk about security. The security staff was not a bunch of untrained bar bouncers. They looked like commando style military and I'm not saying this in a bad way. They looked highly trained and did a great job looking over the event, making sure people were safe and exercising restraint if they had to get involved. They looked friendly and were always helpful. That was about as good as I've ever seen anywhere. As a bonus, they didn't have pointless over the top searches focussed on stealing your sunscreen or beauty products, or tampons (yes, you probably know what other festival I'm referring to)

    If you think this is a small deal, it's not. Security is a huge part of whether festivals are both safe and enjoyable. Achieving both at the same time is no small feat and the Malta team used by Rong was stellar. Thank you!

    Pictures and Videos

  • Google Photos BestOf:
  • Day 1 at Bora Bora:
  • Day 2 at Uno Malta:
  • Day 3 at Cafe Del Mar and Uno at Night:
  • Day 4 Boat Party:
  • Day 4 at Uno Malta:
  • Instagram Stories (for desktop computer):
  • Instagram Stories (for phone):
  • Instagram Stories all merged in one video:
  • How does it compare with other festivals?

    A comparison against every other festival wouldn't be warranted or useful, but I hope this helps you decide how to use your time and money since neither are infinite:
  • vs Unkonscious Thailand: they are not identical but they are similar in many ways, go to the one that is closest to you and matches your vacation schedule. Thailand is cheaper once you are there, but flying there from outside of Asia will obviously cost you more.
  • vs Unkonscious Croatia: hard to compare against a festival that hasn't happened yet, but my guess is that Unkonscious Croatia will also be an enjoyable smaller scale festival like the Thailand version, and going to either would not be a mistake :) I can't go to that one, it conflicts with another festival I'm already going to.
  • vs Euphoria weekender: it's happening 2 days from now as I'm writing this. I wish I could go but after 8 days of festivals in less than 2 weeks, my body really really needs rest :) From what I've seen Euphoria is lower key and a bit cheaper even, and should also be a great time. I think people look at it as "less commercial" but honestly rong malta didn't feel commercial unlike let's say Tomorrowland that was all about the money and where they apparently mostly stopped carrying about the festival goers and turned into a big money machine
  • vs Captured Malta: that one hasn't happened yet either. My guess is that Captured will be some place between Euphoria weekender and Rong Malta. I'm going there in September.
  • vs Lumi: you can't really compare them that much, you can read the lumi bits I wrote above already. Lumi has a lot more trance, many more people (too many at times for my taste) and unfortunately made some very questionable choices in the last years, I'll leave it at that outside of saying that I absolutely do not feel welcome there anymore if you don't know the details.
  • vs dreamstate socal: they are just way too different for me to even compare them, I love both for difference reasons. Dreamstate wins for the way more lights and costumes if you like that, but you cannot call dreamstate intimate
  • Should you go? Would I go Back?

  • First, I need to state that Malta is a very cool country to visit. If you can, spend at least an extra 3 days to learn about the country's history over the many years, and its central location in the mediteranean, which is the cause for its rich history. It's a very unique mix of a population that speaks an old arab dialect that is written with roman characters, and is mostly Christian. If that's not unique, I don't know what is :)
  • Malta is not the same level of cheap than Thailand, but overall it was reasonably priced. Cheaper than Ibiza which it is aiming to be a competitor for.
  • it was a day and night festival, and had plenty of night hours with pretty lights and lasers. Night owl me was happy.
  • It's a smaller festival, not meant to be compared with the big ones, and that was totally ok with me. It's a nice change of pace to have something smaller where you don't walk so far every day between many stages and miss many sets every hour. Don't take me wrong, I'm writing these last sentences from the plane back from EDC Vegas 5 days later, and nothing compares to EDC Vegas and the insanity of that experience, but you can only take that once a year at most ;) I really do welcome more chill festivals, EDC is as awesome as it is really gruesome and takes a long time to recover from :)
  • Just like Unkonscious, the organizers care and it shows. As I write this, they already sent a survey link. It may seem like a little thing, but festivals that do not also say in that process "we don't really are if we did well or could have done better" and a few I won't name even give the feel of "you should feel thankful that you even were able to attend our festival". Obviously Rong did the opposite across the board, it doesn't mean everything was perfect, it never is, but they sure tried hard and want to continue to do better. Good on them!
  • I hope they will read my report and consider my suggestion to drop the wristband money requirement. If they allow contactless credit cards and pay by phone, it will honestly be perfect.
  • And if Alessandra Roncone came, you know it's a good party :)


    Left around 03:35 (25mn before the end), went back to Bora Bora to pick up luggage (hotel totally in the wrong direction for airport, as stated it was a mistake to stay there), drove back down to airport and arrived around 04:30 for a 05:55 flight out. Lufthansa as always managed to be terrible and after refusing to assign us seats on the phone for 2 days, also had a 48H computer outage (yes really) that prevented online checking, so we had no seats and got the last 2 random middle seats on the plane while being told we should be lucky to have seats at all because the plane was oversold again (same deal as flyoug out of Cluj after Untold last year). F you Lufthansa, this repeated incompetence and total lack of respect for the customer is unacceptable (they couldn't care less if we missed our connecting flight to SFO after that or that we could at least get a window seat to lay our head and attempt to sleep a bit until the longer flight FRA-SFO leaving at noon, that one with Condor). Ironically while Condor is kind of a new long haul Ryanair, they were much better than Lufthansa on this trip...

    Thank you all of you I met there, came to say hi, all the DJs, and the organizers. You made this time fantastic, thank you!

    See more images for Rong Open Air Festival Malta 2024
    2024/04/04 Texas Eclipse Festival in Burnet
    π 2024-04-04 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals, Texas
    I had planned for the so called Great American Eclipse of 2024, and thanks to my friend Marc Antoine who lives in Austin, I did indeed pick Austin as a destination, and at the same time, he told me about a big festival. I was invited to join NAPF, North America Psytrance Family, and we had a great group camping spot just next to the psytrance stages, woot!

    I was able to bring my outfit and find a way to charge it nightly without external power (more on solar below):

    As a one off festival, I found it was reasonably well organized, at least from what I got to experience: - ok, tickets were weird, you had print at home tickets that told you they were good enough to get in, but that was not true, they had to be swapped for actual car stickers at will call. Thankfully there was a convenient will call at the airport baggage terminal with virtually no wait when I arrived a day early (thursday) - early entry on thursday wasn't bad, by then they worked out the kinks of stupid pointless searches trying to take people's vitamins and other personal items that are more than reasonable to have in your vehicle and campsite (like tools to fix things), but I was specifically very annoyed with them feeling they had the right to go through people's personal drugs, over the counter, or prescription and take everything away that wasn't prescription in original bottle (if you have pill boxes, you're screwed). Thankfully by thursday they had less time to search people's stuff, but still, not acceptable - My wait in line for search was less than 15mn and the search of my car was 5mn, at most. - The drive in to the NAPF camp was long and slow on a very dusty road, took over 20mn. All in all from the outside road to camp was a bit less than 1h, not too bad - I've been told that of course the next day (first official opening day), it took longer to get in, and for people with RV who had paid for and reserved a spot with power/hookups, didn't get them, either because they were partly oversold, and/or because some people who hadn't paid for the spots, took them :(


    I was able to bring a reasonable tent in my check in luggage to austin, as well as enough of a solar system to use the rental car battery as a power station that would get recharged by the panels I bought. It was a bit last minute, experimental, and rough looking, but it worked well enough. The couple of times when I didn't get enough sun, the car came with a free generator ;) (external generators were not allowed in camping):

    please don't judge, it worked :)
    please don't judge, it worked :)

    charging the LED outfit batteries from the car batteries, in turn recharged by solar panels
    charging the LED outfit batteries from the car batteries, in turn recharged by solar panels

    North American Psytrance Family's (NAPF) camp

    We had a nice little setup:


    Pictures from arrival:

    car search line
    car search line

    many camps, reasonable signage
    many camps, reasonable signage

    pretty dry and dusty overall, but a few places with water
    pretty dry and dusty overall, but a few places with water

    the nature looked pretty nice in places
    the nature looked pretty nice in places

    The venue

    After getting to camp with early arrival on thursday just before sunset, setup camp and went to check out the venue. All the stages were not open yet, but enough things were running:

    festival grounds had several entrances with a pretty quick somewhat pointless looking search
    festival grounds had several entrances with a pretty quick somewhat pointless looking search

    it wasn't burning man, but there was a descent selection of lit art
    it wasn't burning man, but there was a descent selection of lit art

    Lots of vendors of hippie gear :)

    And other misc things:

    A reasonable number of food options for all tastes:

    They had multiple water refill stations and lockers, although the water refill stations ran out at times, which was not ideal, and I'm told they were turned off (no more water) on monday afternoon after they asked people to evacuate, not great...

    multiple first aid stations, but apparently they were underequipped (more on that below)
    multiple first aid stations, but apparently they were underequipped (more on that below)

    the general store I went to was reasonably equipped, but the prices were hidden and very high
    the general store I went to was reasonably equipped, but the prices were hidden and very high

    the better VIP area had an IV station where you could pay a lot for some fluids
    the better VIP area had an IV station where you could pay a lot for some fluids

    A few "art cars"

    The grounds were quite big and had multiple areas:

    There was even a nice river and a makeshift beach:

    To pass the day, they also had 2 stages with talks, some were pretty interesting:

    great to see Rick Doblin again to talk about his work
    great to see Rick Doblin again to talk about his work

    The multimedia dome also played David Jones' Samskara, which was a pleasure to see again

    Music and Festival Stages

    The festival had close to 10 stages, 6 of them were pretty big. Honestly they were impressive given that they were indeed in the middle of nothing. The only downside was that the map was pretty poor and it was not too obvious which stage was which from the symbols. But yes, the stages were pretty:

    NAPF was adjunct to the Ether stage, so we had our own party:

    A highlight was to see Oakenfold's day set:


    Like each festival I go to, I always enjoy the party that other people bring, with lights, costumes, and more:

    glad to see the same friends across different festivals
    glad to see the same friends across different festivals

    TFSF represent
    TFSF represent


  • Drone show:
  • Samskara show:
  • Small summary of the event:
  • Nice Lit Display:
  • A minute of my outfit:
  • Eclipse and Evacuation Day

    Early Departure

    Monday morning, with barely a shred of a bar on one of my 2 cellphones, I got an urgent message that said bad weather was on the way, that everything left was cancelled (including the main party monday night and the DJs I really wanted to see), and to evacuate as soon as practical. I was weary that the traffic to exit would be terrible, especially from the southernmost camp, about as far from the main road as you can be, so I packed everything in 15mn and got on the exit road. Thankfully I beat most people to it, and was only delayed an extra 25mn or so by the people closer to the exit who had had more time to pack up and get in line too. All in all, I was out to the main road in 45mn, which wasn't bad. While I expected burning man level exodus lines and many hour long waits, I heard most people got out in fewer than 2h, which wasn't bad.
    By then, the weather forecast was such that we wouldn't be able to see anything, so I figured I might as well leave early, but most others chose to stay until after the eclipse and some had renegade parties and stayed until tuesday anyway. The very bad weather that was forecast and caused the organizers to cancel the rest of the event, ended up not happening, but after a statement made by the organizers later, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and that they acted reasonably given the forecast they had at the time. It's true that if hail had come, or even just a lot of rain, the whole event would have become a muddy mess with potentially many cars stuck, getting everyone else, stuck there.

    my early departure plan worked out pretty well
    my early departure plan worked out pretty well

    obviously not the only car in line, but we got out pretty well
    obviously not the only car in line, but we got out pretty well


    I had looked at the weather forecast enough to have 0 hope to see the eclipse, as the forecast was for a solid overcast and then some rain, but with the evacuation I got out about 1.5H before totality and figured I'd go drive to my friend Marc's ranch about 1h away to spend the rest of the time with him.

    Sure enough, the weather did not look good:

    from time to time, the sun poked out for a minute or so
    from time to time, the sun poked out for a minute or so

    made it in time to Marc's ranch
    made it in time to Marc's ranch

    and as we got closer to totality, the sun became visible more often
    and as we got closer to totality, the sun became visible more often


    and yes!
    and yes!

    not bad for a handheld camera
    not bad for a handheld camera

    and before long, it was over
    and before long, it was over

    and the sun went hiding again, that was close!
    and the sun went hiding again, that was close!


    Medical Facilities

    There were concerns with the medical staff, they had plenty of it (good), when I got bitten by a big spider, I was able to see someone quickly enough to make sure it wasn't poisonous (also good), but for at least one person who needed more serious help, apparently they didn't have a defibrillator at most stations (causing one person not to get medical care for over 45mn), or even a more simple blood pressure monitor, which was suboptimal.
    Apparently at least one person died, most likely due to lack of timely medical care, but it's also fair to say that when you have so many people in one place, by the sheer law of numbers, someone is likely to die anyway.
    I'll also add that prompt first rate medical care was not included in the ticket, when you're in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a field, more than 45-60mn away from a hospital, expectations should be set accordingly.

    Other things

  • The map in the app was not very useful as it didn't show you where you were on it. An attendee nicely made a pretty good web based map with location dot, but unfortunately it mostly didn't work for me and wouldn't show me where I was. Getting around was somewhat harder than it needed to be.
  • Water locations were not well indicated on that map either and were not easy to find at night
  • The festival did have a wristband money scheme, but thankfully it was not required and all vendors also took contactless credit cards, so that was the best of both worlds. I happily ignored the wristband money scheme and used my phone to pay without issues
  • The security started wrong (taking people's vitamins on their campsite location, totally not ok), but they loosened up over time. Honestly the perimeter to the inside festival was mostly to keep honest people honest as they say. It was trivial to get past the fence in many places, but at the same time, who would travel all the way there just to try to sneak in? I think it was just enough for good measure
  • I'm not entirely sure what was meant to be disallowed between the campgrounds and festival ground. Once a security person was trying to take a can of mixed drink I had (which did contain alcohol), but that's about it. You could take food in as far as I know
  • The water points were not 100% reliable, which was a potential problem, but I brought enough of my own water that it didn't matter
  • There were no official showers included with the price, not even for VIP, but there was a spa built not too far from my camp that offered showers for $16, a reasonable enough price considering.
  • VIP was a bit of a ripoff in my opinion. The "expedited" VIP entry was totally pointless, there was no wait ever between my camp and the festival grounds. One VIP area had a couple of interesting things and better toilets (although still no place to wash yourself), the other VIP area was just a few toilets and shade, nothing much. I definitely regret paying extra for VIP.
  • Conclusion

  • Honestly, given that this is not a yearly festival in the middle of nowhere in a place that wasn't used for that before, a lot of things went right
  • The stages themselves were actually pretty good considering it was the middle of nowhere, I was pretty impressed.
  • I'm told the organizers spent several months getting the site ready, including adding the dirt roads to get around and making all of this possible, just once, for only a few days. My impressions were actually "not bad at all".
  • Price may have felt a bit high, especially VIP that offered very little for its added price. The add ons like group car camping (around $250 extra), early entry (another almost $100 extra), did add up.
  • The cancellation on monday was very unfortunate, I think it was the right call, but it really damaged the event. The organizers promised a partial refund, still waiting for it at the time of this writing.
  • All in all I still had a good time, the eclipse itself was fantastic, especially since we were some of the few people in Texas that actually had enough clear sky to see the eclipse when it happened.
  • See more images for Texas Eclipse Festival in Burnet
    2024/03/22 Best Beyond Wonderland Socal Yet
    π 2024-03-22 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals
    It was not my first Beyond Wonderland, but definitely the best one yet, as Insomniac made it even bigger at NOS this year, adding more rooms and more stages. They definitely went all out on the decors, and it totally sold out.

    The small lake looked even better this year:

    Festival Grounds

    As I said, even bigger this year, especially a new Factory93 techno stage in the back:

    Chesire Woods in the middle had dreamstate on day2 and was beautiful
    Chesire Woods in the middle had dreamstate on day2 and was beautiful

    The pond was split in two with a big bridge in the middle decked out with LED patterns

    about as beautiful as it's been
    about as beautiful as it's been

    their LED guy did good work
    their LED guy did good work

    A fun thing was the half useless maps and directions, to help you get lost:

    the map was very approximate, but pretty :)
    the map was very approximate, but pretty :)

    Queen's Domain VIP (aka mainstage) was nice:

    Plenty of nooks and crannies to find fun stuff:

    Passport was very nice:

    And the usual fun vendors:

    And the part my non night festival friends sometimes miss, is how different (and not as exciting), festivals look during the day without all the lights:

    the calm before the storm
    the calm before the storm

    big chairs to sit in ;)
    big chairs to sit in ;)


    The insomniac performers were top notch again:

    And people brought very nice costumes too:

    led2rave4 backpacks are awesome
    led2rave4 backpacks are awesome

    Great to run into friends again:

    pixxie.poly was easier to recognize this time :)
    pixxie.poly was easier to recognize this time :)

    Ulrich, in his official work outfit :)
    Ulrich, in his official work outfit :)

    All the way to the Trancefamily Meetup
    All the way to the Trancefamily Meetup

    Day #1

    Anyway, let's not get to the two days of festival. This year, beyond started earlier, 14:30 with a pre-party before everything else opened at 16:00. We did arrive too late for that on the first day due to pretty bad traffic delays at SFO airport, which is worse than usual right now, but arrived just in time for sunset, which is the magical time for beyond anyway:

    new factory93 techno stage this year
    new factory93 techno stage this year

    cheshhire woods was a beautiful stage
    cheshhire woods was a beautiful stage

    After the event was over, went to check out the after party, but it was 2 guys playing basic EDM that wasn't too exciting, so it felt like a better idea to try and find an uber to get back to the hotel that was not walking distance ($70 with tip for a 10mn ride, that was not fun...)

    Video of Day #1:

    Day #2

    Day 2, came back early to check out the grounds before they got mobbed, and see the Trance DJs:


    Gareth played a nice classic set, I liked it
    Gareth played a nice classic set, I liked it

    Bryan Kearny closed the trance stage
    Bryan Kearny closed the trance stage

    Video of Day #2:

    Should you go? Would I go Back?

    I was supposed to go to Miami Music Festival/Ultra this year, but it didn't happen in the end, and they ended up getting a lot of rain, which dampened the event somewhat. Still, I do want to check athat out too. Hpefully next year.

    Back to Beyond:

  • Honestly it was cold this year, and the light rain in day 2 didn't help. Maybe it's time to consider moving the event a bit later in the year?
  • Decors were fantastic again, and the event was even bigger this year. Best one yet.
  • The many theme appropriate performers were still there, maybe more even, and it really added to the event.
  • I'll repeat other insomniac festivals, like EDC and Dreamstate, all the staff truly cares and goes all out. Many small details that get sometimes missed elsewhere, are usually flawless
  • Security was more than reasonable as usual, thank you
  • San Bernardino still worked out for me. I definitely preferred the bigger venue compared to the more limited footprint of Queen Mary where Dreamstate got moved last year
  • It was extended from 17:00 to 02:00 to 14:00 to 02:00 plus an afterparty until 06:00. That's more than you can do :)
  • 8 stages this year? Definitely a lot...
  • There was only trance on Day #2, but that gave me a chance to go explore all the grounds and see other kinds of music.
  • Like last year, I'll respond to: Is it worth flying across the world for? I would go to EDC first, and then Dreamstate for the music (despite lesser decors and costumes compared to BW), but if you are able to fly there, it's definitely a fun festival to attend. If you cannot afford EdC Vegas, as it's not cheap, BW is probably the 2nd festival in the world I'd recommend after EDC if you're not looking for a trance only festival. It is really good and just a beautiful atmostphere.
  • 'Till next time:

  • More photos:
  • (IG stories if you are on a computer)
  • (IG stories if you are on a phone)
  • See more images for Best Beyond Wonderland Socal Yet
    2024/02/23 My First EDC Mexico, High Altitude But Very Nice
    π 2024-02-23 01:01 in Clubbing, Edc, Festivals
    It was a bit of a last minute trip, and challenging to attend as all tickets (GA, GA+ and VIP, although they had different weird names), had sold out. In the end, although it felt risky, I was able to get some on stubhub, and thankfully they worked.
    Just like EDC Vegas, it is also located at a racetrack in the middle of Mexico City, although I would say it is maybe only 50% of the size of EDC Vegas, but all the bits that mattered were there and I was quite impressed by the setup for what I was worried might be a lesser EDC. I was delighted to be wrong.
    The one thing that may have been a surprise was the altitude (7350ft or 2240 meters) which will definitely get people out of breath. Thankfully I had just gotten home from a snowboarding trip at higher altitudes, so that was not an issue for me, but I could tell it was for others. The one surprise I didn't know about was a nearby volcano that has been constantly putting some amount of ash in the air, and that was affecting the air quality, making breathing harder, especially for those with allergies. Actually the ash was bad enough that it cancelled the fireworks on the first 2 days, and cancelled most flights a few days later as enough ash in the air will actually damage jet engines.

    Back to EDC, arriving the day before helped a bit, and getting there via uber the day of, was not too bad (nearby hotels were booked or too expensive). The one downside was it was a very long walk from the dropoff point. It was so long of a walk that you could pay people on bikes to bike you part of it, but even then it took 15 to 20mn from the street to being at the security gate.

    So, let's look at EDC Mexico. How does it compare with EDC Vegas? The venue definitely has room, although the footprint used is smaller than EDC Vegas. Yet, it was still big and all the things from EDC that I've come to enjoy, were there:

    The Grounds:

    lots of people getting in when we arrived on day 1
    lots of people getting in when we arrived on day 1

    outside the venue was filled with unofficial vendors
    outside the venue was filled with unofficial vendors

    after a long walk or hired bike ride, you got to the rainbows
    after a long walk or hired bike ride, you got to the rainbows

    nice owl during the day
    nice owl during the day

    and nicer at night, even :)
    and nicer at night, even :)

    other nice burning man-like art
    other nice burning man-like art

    a much smaller pixel forest, but still nice
    a much smaller pixel forest, but still nice

    Many food vendors, including dicks :) but since they required that "stay in line to get some and lose anything left over every day" wristband money, didn't get anything, and vendors lost out:

    Ah, one thing I need to mention is that smoking was prohibited across the entire festival, including vaping. One thing I read said "all nicotine containing products". Obviously nicotine is not great for you, but I personally don't mind if others vape. Not sure if it's over reaching or not, altough I personally didn't mind:

    I already mentioned it looked like a smaller EDC Vegas, and it did. Electric Avenue was nice:

    road to kinetic fields
    road to kinetic fields

    definitely a good job decking out the place with lights
    definitely a good job decking out the place with lights

    oooh, shiny :)
    oooh, shiny :)

    VIP area also had video games. Why not? :)

    They had 2 very nice Ferris Wheels, which I always enjoy to get a view from higher up:

    Let's have a look at the grounds from higher up:

    stereo bloom
    stereo bloom

    yes, it was in the middle of skateboard park, which made getting around awkward when it was full
    yes, it was in the middle of skateboard park, which made getting around awkward when it was full

    nice LED art :)
    nice LED art :)

    The People

    Great to see the insomniac performers, awesome team as always
    Great to see the insomniac performers, awesome team as always

    the performers deserved extra credit for wearing costumes in warm weather and working in thinner air
    the performers deserved extra credit for wearing costumes in warm weather and working in thinner air

    OMG, and ran into pixies.poly, hard to recognize under that costume :)
    OMG, and ran into pixies.poly, hard to recognize under that costume :)

    Running into good friends, as always :)
    Running into good friends, as always :)

    and more :)
    and more :)

    Also, finally got to meet Thor Wixom, videographer extraordinaire:


    Day #1: Trance Day at Stereobloom. Mexico Love Trance!

    Day 1 was mostly spent at Stereo bloom, as it had a great Trance lineup that day. While the stage was literally on top of a skateboard park, it was a bit weird from the attendee side, but the stage itself was stellar and the visuals quite good. They were not dreamstate mainstage or quantum valley good, but very close.

    had just seen Rinaly weeks before at Unkonscious, but happy to see her again :)
    had just seen Rinaly weeks before at Unkonscious, but happy to see her again :)

    Billy Gillies
    Billy Gillies


    lots of trance lovers in Mexico!
    lots of trance lovers in Mexico!

    Talla 2XLC
    Talla 2XLC

    Andrew Rayel
    Andrew Rayel

    the stage was beautiful
    the stage was beautiful

    thank you to all the AV folks for the magic
    thank you to all the AV folks for the magic

    Aly and Fila
    Aly and Fila

    Paul Van Dyk
    Paul Van Dyk

    And wonderful closing with Blastoyz!
    And wonderful closing with Blastoyz!

    beautiful visuals!
    beautiful visuals!

    Video Summary:

  • (instagram highlights if you are on computer)
  • (instagram highlights if you are on a phone)
  • Day #2: check out all the stages, day

    Day 2, arrived a bit earlier (it also started earlier), but warmer air is more thin, harder to breathe and hot. Unless you're a local, it was definitely harder to party until the sun, until it set. No trance on day 2, so it was a good excuse to walk around and check out all the stages and other music:

    kudos for wearing this in the sun :)
    kudos for wearing this in the sun :)

    first time seeing kinetic field, it looked identical and as pretty as the Vegas one
    first time seeing kinetic field, it looked identical and as pretty as the Vegas one

    Bionic Jungle was stellar, and used the beautiful jaguara from Burning Man, which was fantastic:

    I have to give props to the visuals guys again, they were awesome
    I have to give props to the visuals guys again, they were awesome

    Went to check out VIP for kinetic fields for an OK-ish side view:

    such a beautiful stage
    such a beautiful stage

    Circuit Grounds also looked fairly similar to EDC Vegas:

    Video Summary:

  • (instagram highlights if you are on computer)
  • (instagram highlights if you are on a phone)
  • Day #3: Another trance at stereobloom day, lovely!

    Arrived just in time for some psytrance with Lumina
    Arrived just in time for some psytrance with Lumina

    Interactive Noise
    Interactive Noise

    a bit of techcno in the middle
    a bit of techcno in the middle

    so went to check out Circuit Grounds in the blazing sun
    so went to check out Circuit Grounds in the blazing sun

    Back for John 00 Flemming
    Back for John 00 Flemming

    John is always having such a great time :)
    John is always having such a great time :)

    David Forbes barely made it (late plane), but did make it!
    David Forbes barely made it (late plane), but did make it!

    Then Will Atkinson came to bring the energy even higher!
    Then Will Atkinson came to bring the energy even higher!

    By the time infected Mushroom arrived, the place was packed to hell, in an unsafe way (almost impossible to get in or out)
    By the time infected Mushroom arrived, the place was packed to hell, in an unsafe way (almost impossible to get in or out)


    Then back to mainstage just before Armin:

    they did have lasers, but they weren't used enough in my opinion
    they did have lasers, but they weren't used enough in my opinion

    finally, fireworks were allowed!
    finally, fireworks were allowed!

    And that was it, end of day 3. Managed to get out in a dense crowd and catch an uber back.

    Video Summary:


    First, I need to state that while some parts of Mexico need to be avoided carefully, the mexican government allocates security to keep big cities and tourist areas safe, so basically going to Mexico City (also called CDMX), is perfectly safe.

    Security was impressive. They were *very* thorough, as apparently locals like to cheat, have fake wristbands and jump fences ;) and yet they did a fantastic job having the most thorough perimeter security I've seen, including double checks of tickets and thorough checks of wristbands before entering VIP areas.
    More importantly I really appreciated that they focussed security on what mattered, while not being dicks at the entrance and during searches, unlike some other festivals I won't name, like one at a beach in holland :) I'm told that locals can be a hard to handle bunch, and they honestly did a great job without any unnecessary show of force, which I've seen in other places. This takes special training and restraint, and I was positively impressed.

    The search getting in was thorough without being over-reaching, and yet efficient:

    Should you go? Would I go Back?

  • After the flight to mexico city, it was easy to get to the festival or to/from hotels
  • Overall mexico city is way cheaper than vegas
  • Ah, but they had that bullshit wristband money that was required inside the venue. That is the one thing I was quite unhappy about as always. Not only forcing its use for people who already have contactless credit cards, is not ok, but worse, 3 day wristbands were 3 single day wristbands, and you lost the money you had on the previous day's wristband if you didn't use it. Absolutely unacceptable, but more generally while cashless is ok, forcing wristband money is not ok. I bought absolutely nothing in protest of this BS. I'm not standing in a long line to put money in a wristband to stand in another line to get what I wanted just to do it again forever unless I put a lot of money that I won't get back if I don't use all of it.
  • Festival was from 14:00 to 02:00 due to neighbors. I don't mind festivals starting in the afternoon, but the sun before sunset was punishing. It was quite warm and we went hiding in the shade until sunset.
  • that said 14:00 to 02:00 is 10:00h of partying for 3 days, so that's plenty, even the first hours under the sun, were be rough
  • I have no idea how they got away with going until 02:00 when people literally lived behind the stage blasting bass :)
    I have no idea how they got away with going until 02:00 when people literally lived behind the stage blasting bass :)

  • Altitude and air pollution was no joke for many. Not a reason not to go, but keep it in mind
  • Like other insomniac festivals, all the staff truly cares and goes all out. MAny small details that get sometimes missed elsewhere, are usually flawless
  • Not as many carnival rides as EDC Vegas due to lack of space, but still a few and 2 nice ferris wheels
  • Smoking prohibited throughout the festival, was pretty cool, even if not 100% enforced.
  • Can't go to Vegas or afford EDC Vegas? If so, EDC Mexico is a very fine choice, you will not be disappointed.
  • Looking for a different vibe/atmosphere? Mexicans know how to party. The atmosphere was fantastic!
  • Conclusion

    AMy first EDC Mexico, although it was sold out, it didn't feel too crowded. I think the capacity limit was probably related to the ability to evacuate, and except for stereobloom that was kind of a death trap with a big choke point if it was full, the rest of the venue worked out great.

    Thoughts about the Mexico location:

  • it was easy to get to (10mn away from airport and enough hotels within 20mn drive)
  • Driving yourself may have been a mess, not sure how parking worked out, but while I was worried about not getting ubers on the way out, after walking 10mn away from the venue, was able to get an uber all 3 nights. Traffic was a bit gridlocked, so walking away from it also helped.
  • Kinetic field looks just like the Vegas one, honestly the whole thing looked like a smaller version of the Vegas festival while still feeling very well done, including lots of decors.
  • 2 days out of 3 with lots of trance at Stereo Bloom (the local quantum valley). 3 day was used to go see everything else. It worked great.
  • Again, I'll repeat that lots of teams did a great job for this pretty flawless end result. Well done! But please stop the required wristband money bullshit, that part is not ok. Wristband money should only be for people who don't have contactless credit cards/pay by phone. It is not faster, it is definitely not secure, and keeping leftover money at the end of each day, is absolutely unacceptable!

  • Pictures of all 3 days:
  • (instagram highlights if you are on computer)
  • (instagram highlights if you are on a phone)
  • Thank to you everyone for the loads of fun, and it was great to see how much Mexicans love trance!

    2024/01/30 6 Days at Unkonscious Festival around Pattaya and Bangkok
    π 2024-01-30 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals
    I had heard about Unkonscious several times, but a festival across the world in the middle of my snowboarding season, wasn't super appealing for timing reasons. That said, FOMO kicked in and I was able to align a snowboarding trip in Hokkaido, Japan just before, making the "quick 7h plane hop" to Bangkok more appealing :) and jetlag less of a bitch :)

    One big plus of Unkonscious is that they make your trip worth it, as while the main festival is really just 2x 12H days (or 2x 16H with the indoor after party on day 3 and 4), there 2 days with pre-parties and 2 days with after parties in Bangkok. That's a great idea and it made for a pretty intense 6 days, not for the faint of the heart :)

    Travel, Where to Stay and Weather

    As to where to stay, the first 4 days are not super close but close enough that I elected to stay at the main festival hotel for the first 4 days, and then downtown bangkok for the last 2 days, which worked out well enough. You can easily get rides with grab or bolt and they were plenty cheap by western standards. For that matter, Thailand is reasonably cheap for westerners, making the festival affordable overall.
    Also, for those who haven't gone to Thailand, people are super nice and welcoming, although many have limited english, so having google translate on your phone is a must (and it works well). Also knowing how to use google maps to voice out a location and show it written in Thai (as you should not expect Thai drivers to know how to read Thai locations in roman characters).

    Carrying my LED outfit and all the batteries through Japan along with my snowboards was extra work, but worth it. As expected every venue during Unkonscious was cool with it, no one gave me a hard time and honestly all the venues were happy to have extra party spirit:

    If you ask, yes, it was hot as balls, and it was warm and uncomfortable to wear, haha. I wore more comfortable clothing during the day that LEDs would'nt do much good anyway (it got dark enough around 18:00, so that was 6 hours with more reasonable weather and temps):

    We also got lucky that we didn't have rain, which is always a possibility.

    So, 6 days, let's go for it:

    Day 1: Pre-Pre-Party @ Tappia Floating Cafe

    The first day's venue was very interesting. Floating café was pretty cool. They had a fast boat that did rounds back and forth from the pier and took you to the floating café which was definitely a unique venue. Party started at 16:00 and went until midnight (or maybe a bit past):

    after a little while, the sun set and it got dark:

    The bar had plenty of alcohol, food was more limited and it took long enough that it felt like it came from a restaurant on land and was brought in via the next speed boat:

    one Thai specialty is the 1.2L bucked of alcohol, saves time :) (and reasonably priced)
    one Thai specialty is the 1.2L bucked of alcohol, saves time :) (and reasonably priced)

    switched to my night outfit
    switched to my night outfit

    great to see Richard Durand again
    great to see Richard Durand again

    Video summary of the day:

    Day 2: Pre-Party @ DAM Pattaya Beach Club

    Day 2 was a different pre-party at a different beach club. Nice beach location and 2 DJs playing, one on the beach and one indoors:

    light clothing to deal with the weather :)
    light clothing to deal with the weather :)

    The food options were good, but unfortunately required some fake paper money you had to buy in one place, then exchange it for a voucher, which finally got you food:

    same thing with drinks although they were reasonably priced
    same thing with drinks although they were reasonably priced

    buckers were popular
    buckers were popular

    that's what the fake money looked like, and it could not be exchanged back or used from one venue to the next.
    that's what the fake money looked like, and it could not be exchanged back or used from one venue to the next.

    Before long, it was darker and cooler, so I was able to change and light up a bit:

    brought a few lights :)
    brought a few lights :)

    even got a chance to take that picture Ferry Tayle and I missed a few times :)
    even got a chance to take that picture Ferry Tayle and I missed a few times :)

    haha :)
    haha :)

    Indoors was fairly decent for a beach club:

    and we got an XXXL set from John 00 Flemming
    and we got an XXXL set from John 00 Flemming

    Video Summary of Day #2:

    Day 3 & 4: Main Festival Day 1 & 2: Alexa Beach Club

    Finally this was the main festival. The mainstage was honestly pretty simple, it wasn't huge, definitely smaller than lumi mainstage and almost on par with stages 2 or 3 at lumi, but honestly it was big enough for the location and crowd. The entire event was not huge and that what made it nice, cosy and homely, I did like that.

    Yeah, so it seems to be a Thailand thing, non refundable fake money you have to buy to be able to then buy things (which was still 2 or 3 more steps depending on what you needed, way too much work IMO). Not a fan...

    note that the fake paper money from the previous day looked different and couldn't be used
    note that the fake paper money from the previous day looked different and couldn't be used

    hopefully contactless credit cards and phones will be allowed for direct pay in the future
    hopefully contactless credit cards and phones will be allowed for direct pay in the future

    Merch store that was reasonably priced:

    The festival was then split in 2 each day: 12:00 to 16:00 was the pool party which was low key and easy to get in and out (security wasn't really there yet). Other bonus is you could order from the bar and restaurant from the full drink and food menu and pay with real money (which became not possible at 16:00 once the real festival started). Once I figured that out the first day with great disappointment of having lovely drinks on the menu being rejected as "not available until after the festival is over", I learned the lesson and got them during the pool party the next day:

    nice to chill by the pool, listen to music and sort festival pictures :)
    nice to chill by the pool, listen to music and sort festival pictures :)

    and a great time to chat with DJs too
    and a great time to chat with DJs too

    nice and chill
    nice and chill

    nice beach too
    nice beach too

    pool party day #2:

    working hard, or hardly working? :) Nice to relax for a change
    working hard, or hardly working? :) Nice to relax for a change

    haha, nice outfits :)
    haha, nice outfits :)

    by day2 I figured out how to get real drinks
    by day2 I figured out how to get real drinks

    as well as very yummy food
    as well as very yummy food

    By 16:00, the main festival started with mainstage and the psytrance stage on the 2nd floor of the building which had AC and that was nice because outside was definitely hot:

    You could pay for VIP lounge areas:

    The views sure were nice:

    awesome sunsets
    awesome sunsets

    The psytrance area was nice:

    And yes, it eventually got dark. It was super nice to just be able to walk by to the room and change:

    Richard Durand did another killer set
    Richard Durand did another killer set

    a few of us brought kandi joy to the party :)
    a few of us brought kandi joy to the party :)

    Craig Connelly was next!
    Craig Connelly was next!

    And closing set by John 00 Flemming
    And closing set by John 00 Flemming

    Day 2 had more DJs and more fun:

    yes, sunset again :)
    yes, sunset again :)

    fans were a lifesaving device, I can't describe how much I was sweating :)
    fans were a lifesaving device, I can't describe how much I was sweating :)

    But the big surprise of day 2 was the fire juggling which was stellar:

    Festival Day 1 Video summary:

    Festival Day 2 Video summary:

    main festival afterparty

    Both nights had an indoor afterparty from 00:00 to 04:00 if you wanted more. It was a nice indoor room:

    main festival fun pictures

    Many pictures were taken :)

    wait, what happened here? :)
    wait, what happened here? :)

    awesome to have met Katie Sirisinha, one of the organizers
    awesome to have met Katie Sirisinha, one of the organizers

    Day 5: Post Party @ Venti Bangkok

    Is 4 days enough? Of course not... After the main festival was over, 2 more days of after parties in Bangkok. After party #1 (day 5) was at Venti Bangkok, a nice club:

    great to run into Somna who had just arrived
    great to run into Somna who had just arrived

    Rinaly did trance that night
    Rinaly did trance that night

    and then Markus Schulz took over
    and then Markus Schulz took over

    Venti Bangkok Video Summary:

    Day 6: Post-Post Party @ Eden Bangkok

    Day 6! Last day! One last club, Eden in Bangkok:

    Damn right, 6 days!
    Damn right, 6 days!

    Rinaly was back for techno that night
    Rinaly was back for techno that night

    awesome to have finally met Andy Moor
    awesome to have finally met Andy Moor

    and that was it, finally over, 6 days!
    and that was it, finally over, 6 days!

    Well, not quite over, Srangkun Sirisinha, Unkonscious co-organizer, went to play more tunes across the street, more trance still :)

    And then it was finally over, time to run back to the room, pack, and go to the airport for a long trip back home to San Francisco

    Eden Bangkok video summary:


  • Thailand doesn't have drinkable tap water, and no water fountains were provided at any of the venues, although none made a big deal if you brought your own water (or you could buy theirs of course, except for het first 4 days where you first had to buy the fake money)
  • Yes, those who know me know I don't like money or wristband credits that often fail and are completely unnecessary anyway. I hope unkonscious considers just accepting contactless credit cards, tap to pay, and phones.
  • As noted above, Alexa Beach Club (main festival) had a great food and drinks menu until 16:00 but those went away when the festival took over: the food and drink options went way down and fake money was required
  • It was a lower budget festival, and so what? People complain other festivals are too expensive, Unkonscious is definitely cheaper and we had heaps of fun with the DJs who came, even if a fair amount of them palyed multiple days (which honeslty I had no problem with). I loved the way it was, no need to change anything.
  • Should you go? Would I go Back?

  • very simply: yes, you should try to go if you can, it's definitely a unique festival and quite enjoyable in its current format. I'll admit that for people in the US, it's a long ass trip, but if you don't like winter, it's a good excuse to go visit Thailand which is a lovely country to visit anyway
  • organizers were super nice, do care, and it shows
  • security was more than reasonable at all venues, it was actually minimal and that was refreshing, it sucks to have to deal with airport or worse than airport security (that's you, lumi) when you're travelled across the world and paid quite a bit to have fun, have a good time, and honestly the risk level doesn't warrant over the top security
  • the festival being smaller in size (not in length) allowed for meeting the DJs more easily, which is always lovely
  • the attendees had a great vibe which of course made sense for a trance festival, but always feels great wherever you are around the world.
  • Thanks to the organizers, DJS and everyone who made the 6 days happen!

    More Photos/Videos

  • Day 1: 
  • Day 2:
  • Day 3:
  • Day 4:
  • Day 5:
  • Day 6:
  • IG stories if you're on a computer:
  • IG stories if you're on a phone:
  • 2023/11/17 A New Dreamstate Socal in Long Beach by Queen Mary
    π 2023-11-17 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals
    New year, new dreamstate, new venue!


    Ok, so for the first time readers who haven't been to previous dreamstate socals, please go read this Dreamstate Socal 2022 in another tab to compare and contrast. Then what's below will make a lot more sense.

    Giving feedback/your own opinion/thoughts: please answer on:

  • this thread (facebook)
  • this thread on IG
  • So, the new Venue. Why the move from NOS to QM? Better or Not?

    I didn't expect that this topic would be so divisive, so it was very interesting to read everyone's feedback over multiple forums. While I know some people at Insomniac and they've also been super nice to me, for which I am ever thankful, I do not work there or have any inside knowledge on what drove the move, the decision for this year, and the apparent decision to stay there next year that was made before people were able to send their feedback for this year.

    So, I'm left to speculate and guess, like everyone, which I guess makes this a bit more fun :)

    Let's start with the obvious reason:

    "I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat, everyone look at me, I'm on an motherf'ing boat :)", SNL for the win :)

    Haha, so now that we have this out of the way :)

  • (+3) LA people prefer going to Long Beach than San Bernardino traffic-wise. For people flying in, it didn't matter unless you're flying in to LAX internationally in which case the drive from LAX is shorter to LB/QM. I just changed this from +1 to +3 to account for the fact that traffic from LAX to SB did really suck on fridays, even if it did not affect non locals that flew in directly to Ontario or SB (see below)
  • (+2) Some people said they were getting tired of NOS and liked the new location just because it was new. I personally liked stages and decors they did at NOS so much, and those did change yearly, that I honestly didn't mind going back to NOS, it felt like a very happy home despite the ghetto-ish looking area outside, but I'l try and be fair and still give it a +2 in favor of QM as well as credit the insomniac folks for trying something new.
  • ( 0) For people flying in, flying to Ontario or even a few direct flights to San Bernardino were about as good as flying to Long Beach
  • (+1) Overall people said SB was kind of a ghetto and felt unsafe. I feel that was over harsh, it doesn't look great, but I've walked back to hotels at night and never felt unsafe, never heard any gunshots, and honestly it felt safer than South Central LA that surrounds Banc of California. But most people disagreed with me, so LB wins this one
  • (-1): 02:00 curfew at NOS, 01:00 soft curfew at QM (it was really around 01:15 or so). People who pay attention will have noted that things started 1H earlier, and it was still dark enough to be fun for people like me, so we got the same amount of music at the main party, but especially on friday not everyone could get there as early at 15:00 to park, long walk or shuttle and get to the venue at 16:00 when it opened.
  • (-1) Hotels around the venue were not Cheaper in LB, probably more expensive overall. SB is not at nice and and more cheaper hotel options. LB has nicer hotels nearby, but they wre in the $300+/night range, which really adds up for people who aren't full of money.
  • (-1) People said it was far to parking lots/shuttles, SB was not much better. NOS has very closeby nearby premium parking, QM has none because the event took over the entire parking lot.
  • (+1): LB/QM has 2 good hotels that were walking distance in addition to the boat itself. SB/NOS had 3 hotels walking distance too, but they were very poor motels that are pretty ghetto, so LB/QM wins.
  • (-1) Staying on the boat is cool for those who were able to get room, but you couldn't park any closer than 2 miles away and had to take a shuttle to get to/from your car
  • (-1) Some people staying on the boat complained of non stop noise depending on their room location, since indeed the boat had 24 hours of music
  • (+2) for people on the boat, they were right onsite and could get in and out to their room during the event and after parties. I mean this is really a +100, but only for the few who could benefit from it, and with the caveats that in return they got noise when trying to sleep, had to park far away, and their luggage was subject to search before they could go to their room (long list of prohibited items, including not allowed to have certain foods or any alcohol in your room, which many cared about).
  • (-3) NOS in SB is just much bigger and has plenty of room for 7 stages or more as has been done during Beyond Wonderland. 4 Stages at QM really didn't fit well, the bridge to get to void was inconvenient and hard for people who can't do stairs easily, and the mandatory walk all the way around from void to dream was close to 15 minutes.
  • (-1): Due to the bridge to void, or the long long way around, LB/QM was less ADA friendly, unless there was some special ADA bypass in and out the event to get the short way across, but I didn't see one (actually I was told there was one, getting in and out of the event somehow, crossing the street in the middle, so I guess that's better than nothing, but the rest of us could not use that).
  • (+1) Having the real water in the background of the venue and the boat, even if it's ultimately an old tired boat, was still a better view than SB/NOS. At the same time I'm only putting +1 because the Insomniac crew can and does turn any venue into a magical place, so NOS really looks spectacular when they were done with it.
  • ( 0): Safety inside the event was similar at both venues. It felt safe in both places, except for the unfortunate phone thefts at both venues. Everyone really should use phone tethers now. I hope insomniac finds way to put traps for those assholes that ruin the nights of people who get pick pocketed.
  • ( 0): Temperature and Rain. Sure NOS was colder last year, but I looked up average temps for november in both venues, and they were mostly equal. I was also convinced that QM was more at risk of rain than SB, but I was wrong, for that time of the year, they are also mostly equal. The rain this year did suck though, especially in sequence that got deep puddles that swallowed my entire LED shoes, shorted them, and got my socks wet :-( It wasn't raining at SB when it was raining hard at QM this year, but apparently that was just luck or lack thereof and the tables could have been turned
  • (-1): Cell phone service: yes, different with different providers, but my own experience and anecdotal experience was that it was worse at QM. I do remember using group chats to sync and find people at NOS without issue several years back. Insomniac did offer wifi at some locations for VIP and Passport, but that coverage was limited.
  • (-2): NOS has at least 2 big indoor rooms (one was vision and another one I only saw used during beyond wonderland for a techno stage) that can be used for after parties. Those rooms are much bigger and better than the smallish rooms on the boat that were also quite hot and uncomfortable in m opinion.
  • (-1): Ghost stories about Queen Mary. It's not an issue for me, but some expressed concern about it, some think it's actually cool, and one person told me they had a not great experience in the boat related to that. That's all I'm going to say on the topic, but I guess I have to mention it for completeness
  • (-2): I'm sorry to have to say this, and I also know not everyone shares that opinion, so feel free to discard this point if you disagree: I really really liked the megastructure feel of dream and sequence at NOS. I don't have clear words to describe it, but that semi enclosed space with the lasers flying on to pf your head, and the sea of lights, people, dreamstate balllons and whatnot is such a magical feeling that I really missed this year. It could be brought back to QM in some way, but it won't fit as well as it did at NOS in my opinion, although I'll be delighted to be proven wrong. I'll also add that those exact words were given to me by multiple people, including DJs I asked, without my feeding them that answer.
  • (-1) I also missed the LED guys jumping on trampolines, it's an awesome show each time that we loved having at the end of the Dream megastructure
  • ( 0): Not venue related, but yes there was a lot more techno and hardstyle this year. I'm not going to say I'm a huge fan of either, but if they are weaved in and out of trance that I do like, I can be ok with them. And according to ASOT and Armin, techno is apparently the new trance, right? :)
  • Is it ok to say that I missed this?

    Winner? If you add my made up points, SB/NOS wins by 5 points. Yes, it's a biased and joke comparison, but I guess I was trying to show and pros and cons I found and heard. I understand that not everyone will agree depending on what they value.
    I personally really preferred NOS because it's much larger, I loved the megastructures, the shorter walk between stages, and it has 2 much better indoor rooms that can be used for afterparties. This seems irrelevant to write though since DS has already been confirmed to be in Long Beach next year, and there may very well be other reasons that made NOS unsuitable that we're not aware of. The new venue can work better for next year and be improved, especially if it's taken down to 3 stages for 3 days as I explain in the conclusion at the bottom of this report.

    I also need to be fair and point out that the Insomniac crew knows how to turn any space into something pretty. If it hadn't been for those leftover chargepoint chargers, it was hard to tell that you were in a big parking lot:

    Even the bridge to void which kind of sucked and was only one way, they made it pretty and really cool. Actually I really want to make a point here, many of you know me as my IG tranceledguy, so yes I know about LEDs, I know how those things are programmed since I built in my own from scratch, and I know that some engineer or engineers spent a significant amount of time decking out that bridge and making custom videos and patterns to scroll on it. This is where the insonniac crews really go above and beyond, they really f'ing care and have a bunch of overachievers :)

    For comparison, NOS may not be as pretty by default, but after the insomniac crew was done decking it out, it still looked stellar to me:

    New Grounds: Long Beach by Queen Mary

    Anyway, let's go back to the actual report.

    Main Festival Feedback

    New location, new backgrounds:

    It's pretty:

    While the venue was well decorated from an otherwise boring parking lot, and it was nice to have some pieces of burning man art:

    Burning Man people will recognize this awesome piece of art, great to have it
    Burning Man people will recognize this awesome piece of art, great to have it

    let's note that those vendors were on the void side which felt so far that they didn't feel worth walking back to unless you really wanted to go to void
    let's note that those vendors were on the void side which felt so far that they didn't feel worth walking back to unless you really wanted to go to void

    And yeah, the walk back from void to dream really sucked, including this tunnel that was crowded at times, and where people go their phones stolen :(

    First Time With Passport At Dreamstate!

    This year had passport at Dreamstate for the first time, and it was awesome, with its own DJ sets even. This is a big deal! For those who didn't know, Passport is an invite only club for people who buy a certain amount of tickets to insomniac events.

    VIP was nice too, and had some of the sparse seating people said was missing elsewhere:


    It was a bit weird due to the venue, you could enter two different ways, towards the main venue, or towards the void. Once you were in, you couldn't take the short away across due to no in and outs. This really felt unfortunate.
    Another point to note is that anyone staying on the boat did not have to go through security to enter the event. It was great for them, but that meant it relied on the boat to enforce festival level security, which was a bit weird (people staying there were rightfully upset they were not allowed to have alcohol or some other festival prohibited items in their rooms). I'm not sure what the right answer is on this front.

    Queen Mary and After Parties Feedback

    Queen Mary is realistically an old retired cruiseship, but it makes for nice pictures:

    Insomniac did their best to help people figure the place out, it was not very obvious:

    the map was needed, getting from Grand to/from Britannia was a long walk with many stairs
    the map was needed, getting from Grand to/from Britannia was a long walk with many stairs

    Nice views outside:

    There were limited food options on the boat, no alcohol at night due to lack of liquor license after hours, but insomniac made sure that people at least got water, which was nice:

    Bathrooms were more of a problem, in the worst case scenario (britanica), you had to go 1 floor up, across the entire boat, and then 2 floors down, and all the way back. That's over 10 minutes and a lot of stairs for tired people and some who had issues with so many stairs but didn't have an ADA wristband that would have allowed them to take an elevator. Something to improve for sure.

    But yes, it did look cool at night from Dream:


    Yes it rain, drizzle on day 1, then it poured in the middle of the night during after party, so much the the place was still wet and muddy, especially in sequence on day 2.
    Day 2 was ok-ish until the last hour when it rained fairly hard, not really fun for most, but at least my outfit didn't short or catch fire :)

    I'll just state here for the people who didn't like NOS and SB, that it did not rain there while it was raining in Long Beach


    Of course, a big part of what makes Us insomniac events so much fun is the people who are part of the party.

    It's also a good excuse to take Trancefamily pictures:

    Dreamstate Balloon
    Dreamstate Balloon

    Great to see my usual 4 dreamstate GFs :)

    So many DJs, thanks for taking pictures with me

    very cool chat with Boris from Electric Universe about his laser harp show
    very cool chat with Boris from Electric Universe about his laser harp show

    The truth is that Dreamstate is about the people, all of you! We would probably still have lots of fun in a safeway parking lot :)

    Day 1

    Anyway, this brings us to the Festival. Day 1 started bright and early with Miyuki at 16:00 and many of her fans made it to represent. It was impressive.

    Miyuki had lots of fans
    Miyuki had lots of fans

    Day 1 Summary Video:

    Day 1: Queen Mary Afterparty

    it was awesome to see Blastoyz again, but sad that he had to play as 'secret guest'
    it was awesome to see Blastoyz again, but sad that he had to play as 'secret guest'

    Day 1 Afterparty Summary Video:

    Day 2

    After getting to bed after sunrise and having hotel breakfast as late dinner, plus repairs on my LED outfit that broke on day 1, arriving on time for day2 was more challengings and I totally missed the day parties. So, I started Day #2 with Somna, lovely set:

    Richard Durand at Vision was loads of fun even it meant I missed Craig vs FactorB:

    More psytrance at Sequence with Reality Test:

    Then the laser harp show from Electric Universe was very cool, especially for those who knew the origins from Jean-Michel Jarre:

    For comparison, that was Jean-Michel Jarre in 2017 at Berkeley with is laser harp dating from the 1980's:

    Fun fact about the Laser Harp, Jean-Michel Jarre's version is different and older technology he has used since the 1980's, and the internet says "t was patented in 1982 by the French composer Bernard Szajner, but the Australian Geoffrey Rose claims it was his invention and that he had taken out a provisional patent in 1975-1976".

    After that, it was time to see the end of Armin's set at Dream:

    By 01:00 and change, the actual dreamstate was over, and for the lucky ones who were able to secure after party tickets, it continued on the boat until 08:00:

    Day 2 Summary Video:

    Day 2: Queen Mary Afterparty

    it was starting to get late in the night, but great to see more from FactorB
    it was starting to get late in the night, but great to see more from FactorB

    Day 2 Afterparty Summary Video:

    After almost 40 hours, it was nice to see the sun come up a 2nd time, and walk back to the room for some much needed sleep:


    Aftermath and Conclusion: Should this not be 3 days and with a bit more sleep?

    For all the diverging opinions on the new venue, I think everyone will agree this event was unique:

  • Points to Insomniac for trying something new, whether it was required or not, and honestly a lot more things went right than what went wrong given how different it was for them, so thumbs up on the end result!
  • The lineup for what was supposed to be a 2 day festival, was absolutely insane
  • The after parties lineup alone was bigger than many main festivals
  • If you want to be technical, this Dreamstate was not a 2 day festival, but literally 40 hours long, non stop. It started Saturday at 16:00, ran until 01:00, after parties until 08:00, saturday day party until 16:00, main festival day 2 until 01:00, and more after parties until 08:00. 40 hours total with 3 to 4 stages during 32 hours out of those 40 hours, woot!
  • So yeah, people got tired, multiple complained about the lack of seating at the main festival, although it was easier to rest on the boat:

    poor technicians got close to 0 sleep
    poor technicians got close to 0 sleep

  • I smiled shen I saw some FB posts and comment of people complaining they were already 30, so they were not that young anymore, and needed more places to sit/rest :) Let's not talk about the OG Trance Ravers who are closer to 50, including many of our favorite DJs :)
  • My personal opinion is that it was too much in too little time. I realize that extreme FOMO due to all the great sets you are missing every hour while being there and trying to see it all, is probably meant to be part of the event, but I'll also say that in my opinion it's too much and not necessary to that level. 3 days would make it better.
  • Sure, the after parties allowed me to see some of the DJs I missed main sets on, at the expense of even less sleep, and that only worked for those who were able to get the limited after party tickets, and let's be honest again that the after party rooms were not great (hot and stuffy, inconvenient to get to, and with limited facilities)
  • So I'm going to ask questions that are at the same time suggestions:

  • If Dreamstate is going to stay at Queen Mary where the 4th stage (Void) really didn't fit with the bridges and long way around, and just added more conflicts, why not have it 3 days and 3 stages only?
  • For anyone thinking I'm crazy for asking for only 3 stages if we're stuck at QM and its smaller footprint, I'd like to point out that Dreamstate Harbor only had 2 stages, they were 3mn walk apart and I loved it. I had so much less FOMO, felt I was able to see a lot more, and the main issue was the midnight curfew and lack of afterparties. Having only 2 stages that were both so good that I still had a hard time picking between them, was more than plenty. Tell me if I'm crazy, but hopefully in that context, my 3 stages 3 day proposal is not that crazy.
  • I know you guys are all overachievers and always trying to do better, we love you for that, but I don't think we need to many artists conflicts and so many hours with so little sleep. My friend Niko started the day party on saturday at 08:00. I'm told he had 5 people attend his set. It's both sad and understandable.
  • Can we bring back at least 2 megastructures (sequence and dream), and it's ok if we leave vision as is, or if it becomes the new void and vision gets dropped?
  • Bonus points with megastructures, you can put some mesh that will let some wind through but block at least part of the rain
  • More lasers please. Everything is always more better with more lasers :)
  • Find a way to nail the pickpockets, please.
  • Can the cruiseship terminal structure be used as an indoor stage for afterparties?

  • If we have to use the Queer Mary for afterparties again:

  • bathrooms on all floors
  • more ventilation/temperature controls in the rooms. We were dressed for cold weather outdoors and got into stuffy and sweaty rooms
  • more food options, they were very limited
  • all elevators for all, please.
  • I'm not an alcohol person, but people who were were disappointed to have none due to liquor license on the boat. There may not be a fix to that.
  • The lighting and general production quality inside the Queen Mary felt poor on multiple levels. I'm not sure how much it's fixable but also a point that this boat is not really a great party boat, it's really an old and tired cruiseship, sorry if I have to state that. I also remember lighting in those rooms that was basically flashing spotlights into the crowd and blinding people dancing. Not sure if that's the best way to do it :)
  • Should you go? Would I go Back?

  • Despite the challenges with the new venue, the event still went really well overall and was a lot of fun. There are so many great things about DS and all of you coming and making it what it is, that it's hard not to have a great time. So it's another "hell yes"
  • I'll repeat again and again that all the staff truly cares and goes all out. It wasn't perfect but it went quite well considering, and again stuff like the LED bridge was far out. The getting around to void was a mess, and they made the back path 2 way half way through the festival, which was still a real time improvement.
  • Security was definitely nice overall, hopefully the event is still secure enough.
  • It was an insane event like I wrote already, it may not need to be that insane, I think 3 stages over 3 days would be better if we have to keep using that venue, but either way it was awesome again.
  • I'll give the same answer to "Is it worth flying across the world for?" If you like trance and you want a better production value than many european shows (not counting Tomorrowland and arguably untold), yes, it is worth going to. Only 2 days, but it's really good and the night decors and costumes are much better than what you'll find in Europe.
  • Yes, night and lights and costumes make festivals way more fun, if you disagree, I'm sorry :)
  • So much fun, 'till next time:

    2023/10/14 Another How Weird Festival in SF
    π 2023-10-14 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals
    This is actually a fun festival, I'm not really sure how I managed not to know about it all these years, but that got fixed last year, and glad to have been able to go back a few hours this year. I even liked almost half of the music, including some nice psytrance :)

    haha, nice boots :)
    haha, nice boots :)

    It was nice to run into a few friends:

    Then, night came, which is my time to shine :)

    Unfortunately, likely due to sound restrictions, the festival has to end at 20:00, so it was only one hour of darkness, but still better than none :)

    Quick video:

    Good time was had, looking forward to a future one.

    See more images for Another How Weird Festival in SF
    2023/08/03 Another Untold in Romania's Cluj
    π 2023-08-03 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals
    While Cluj is a bit far for me, I liked the festival so much in 2021 and 2022 the festival atmosphere, and the trance lineup were so good these last 2 years, that I was happy to go back one more year.

    This year it was easier to go there since I lined up sightseeing on Poland just before flying to Cluj and benefited from the direct flight. Arrived just in time to check in and enjoy the first day. Always cool to see Untold cars right at the airport:


    glad to be back
    glad to be back

    and they were too :)
    and they were too :)

    The fact that it's in a park, you can ride the paddle boats (although it stupidly requires wristband only money):

    And amusement stuff for kids:

    also, this :)
    also, this :)

    And more:

    One thing that Untold does well is having a lot of performers to help with the atmosphere:


    Great to see happy trance people this year again, and people who have 3 years have now become friends:

    As well as many of my favorite DJs:

    So many nice decors to get pictures with:


    Cool to see Galaxy the first day, before it opened. Didn't go back much since it was hard techno, not my favorite


    Of course, I spent most my time at fortune, the Trance stage

    I have a portion of Aname's set here:

    A bit of mainstage:

    Back to fortune with Ben Gold:


    I came back bright and early on Day 2 to see Exolight and Suncatcher for a wonderful sunset set:

    Glad to see kids dancing, new customers for Trance:

    Their full set is here:

    Went to check other stages too:

    Back for Ilan Bluestone:

    Full Ilan Bluestone set recorded here:

    Key 4050 next:

    And another wonderful FactorB vs Craig Connelly B2B:

    Entire FactorB vs Craig Connelly B2B set recorded here:

    Finishing with Allen Watts:

    Full Allen Watts set recorded here:

    all the way to sunrise, with all the birds waking up :)


    So, the previous year and the first 2 days of this year, I was able to record entire DJ set by installing my camera on a light pole that was just the right distance from the stage. It all worked well until it was stolen on the 3rd day, including some sets that were on it:

    setting up to record Exolight and Suncatcher
    setting up to record Exolight and Suncatcher

    switching recordings between DJs
    switching recordings between DJs

    Yes, I was being over optimistic in my camera being safe enough there, some asshole managed to climb there in front of everyone and detach it behind my back without getting caught. Sad, but oh well, it's life. Unfortunately this also means the sets I recorded that day, are gone.

    It was great to see Ruben the Ronde again, with a set similar to what he played at ASOT London a month prior. I enjoyed it just as much the 2nd time :)

    And then, my pal Faid from Aly and Fila:

    I've also become a big fan of Xijaro and Pitch, some really great trance with some pretty epic remixes:

    The end of the night as a bit less fun once I realized my camera had been stolen and all my video recordings were gone. Oh well...

    Quick Video Summary from Day 3 from bits taken on my cell phone:


    Untold is not for the weak, 4 days, and those days are up to 16 hours :)

    unfortunately a bit of rain came by, but it didn't last too long
    unfortunately a bit of rain came by, but it didn't last too long

    well, more than just a bit :)
    well, more than just a bit :)

    After the rain stop, Daxson came, my first time seeing him, and it was great trance:

    Andrew Rayel next:

    The WLT, We Love Trance:

    From there, it was time to head up to mainstage for David Guetta and Armin:

    Unfortunately Armin started very late, and after a 30mn commercial break which was agonizing knowing how little time left I had before having to leave the venue to run to the airport for my 06:00 flight out I so regretted having but couldn't change anymore:

    And while Armin was nowhere close to being done, but started way too late, had to run to the airport to barely make the luggage checkin deadline:

    it was bittersweet to watch the rest online, but oh well
    it was bittersweet to watch the rest online, but oh well

    Quick Video Summary from Day 4 from bits taken on my cell phone:

    Should you go? Would I go Back?

    Untold is in my opinion one of the better/best festivals in Europe, and even on the world stage, it is worth going to, I have done so 3 years in a row ;) Given the distance from California, I may not go every year due to distance and cost, not even counting time conflicts with some other festivals, but definitely recommend you go check it out.

  • They put a lot of effort turning this public park in Cluj into festival grounds, and do a very good job with it.
  • The security staff does a good job with searches being targetted well and plenty of security staff within the event (looked like the entire town's police and gendarmerie)
  • I'm obviously biased towards trance, which was at the fortune stage like all years. It is run by Bodgan and other trance lovers for trance lovers
  • Festival has the longest hours I've seen anywhere, from around 16:00 to maybe 08:00 for the last stage. 16H per day for 4 days!
  • Only a couple of carnival rides, and you need to pay for them, sadly using their fake unreliable wristband money
  • Yeah, sadly, they do not accept contactless credit cards and still require you to load up money on wristbands, which is a waste of time, long lines in some places, and totally unncessary. Please stop.
  • Lots of stages, I think it was at least 8 depending on how many of the smaller ones, you count
  • Mainstage is massive, but unfortunately has a weird layout with things massively blocking the view in the pit if you're not in the front, but if you watch from the back elevated seats, it's a good view, albeit distant
  • Mainstage fireworks are nice, but nowhere close to what you'd see at something like EDC
  • Mainstage also had up to 30nn breaks between main DJs, where you would just sit there and they would play commercials. That was honestly lame and they should stop. It was even worse when Armin started almost 30mn later than he could have when he was already scheduled so late in the night.
  • VIP is mostly worthless unless you're happy to have a side view which isn't as good in my opinion, and it's only useful for mainstage. Unless you like to have your private area with bar, or private tables that cost even more, VIP does not make sense in my opinion
  • Is it worth flying across the world for? Yes, absolutely. Do it!
  • Conclusion

    Thoughts about this year:
  • One natural thing when you go back to the same festival every year, is that the Wow factor goes away a little bit compared to the first year, but still, it felt like a magical place and magical moment for those 4 days
  • The trance lineup was more sparse this year, unfortunately it seems that Untold is deciding whether to still fund Trance as a major genre for Untold, and I've heard unofficial that Untold Dubai may not have any trance stage at all. If so, that would be a pity, especially as many trance fans travel to Untold just because of the stellar trance lineup they've had.
  • I originally heard about Untold due to a massive 8H set Armin had done before Covid, but by the time I was able to go in 2021 and 2022, Armin didn't come because he was supposed to play in Bucharest instead and that show then got cancelled ;( I was excited this year that he was finally coming back, but became sad when I finally learned that he was going to play the very last timeslot. Flying out of Cluj is not easy, and most flights are between 06:00 and 07:00 on monday morning. Sure enough I had a 06:00 flight that was impossible to change by the time Armin was announced that late, and only got to see about 1H of his set, with a huge rush to the airport afterwards to make it out, what a bummer :(
  • Still, despite the challenges, less trance this year, and terrible timeslot for Armin, still had a great time. Thanks to all who made the magic happen.
  • Pictures of all 4 days:
  • See more images for Another Untold in Romania's Cluj
    2023/07/20 Portugal's Biennial Boom Festival
    π 2023-07-20 01:01 in Clubbing, Festivals, Portugal2023

    About Boom

    Boom is a special festival I had heard about several times, and is not easy to get to since it's only once every other year. I found out about boom because of the number of psytrance sets I saw on youtube, and also heard about it as a unique festival that is somewhat burning man like. There is definitely a hippy component to it (and I'm not saying that as in it's a bad thing) and I'm guessing it is based in Portugal as Portugal has decriminalized all drugs from what I understand. I found out later that some good amount of those was probably required to enjoy some of the music ;)

    Boom has costumes and outfits, but not so much the LED ones for night, so I didn't find many people lit but, but people did love my outfit, which made bringing it all the way there and dealing with difficult recharging, worth it (yes, sometimes people ask: it was a lot of work to build, maintain, fix, carry, and in this case, also recharge, but obviously this is all to help spread smiles, happiness, and add to the festivals, like everyone else who does the same):

    getting to boom if you're not driving yourself is easiest from Lisbon or Madrid. They have busses from airports at both locations, and that's how I got there. At the time, I was not aware that there were 2 other ways to get there, and local busses going to/from Idanha-a-Nova and Castelo Branco, the latter has train service to the rest of portugal. Anyway, took the last train from Lisbon (leaving at 16:00 on the 2nd day). It was a longish and not very comfortable bus ride, but it got us there after 5h-ish hours:

    filled busses
    filled busses

    alternate options I didn't know about
    alternate options I didn't know about

    Arrived by 21:00, still some sunlight
    Arrived by 21:00, still some sunlight

    The place is actually pretty large when you're on foot. cardboard village was a good 20mn very uphill walk from the biggest dancing area, and without big wheeled luggage, the rough terrain made dragging luggage up not fun at all:

    Most people online said to arrive as early as possible to get a better camping spot, or "not miss any minute', but honestly it's already a 7-8 day festival, even arriving on the 2nd day it was plenty early enough and the main stages had not even opened/started yet, so I personally felt it would have been fine to arrive even one day later, but by then it would have to have been through alternate transportation means like the local bus.

    So, now is a good time to mention that Boom is not for the faint hearted. The camping conditions are on the harsh side, I guess not getting rained on is good, but a lot of the terrain, including where I stayed, is slanted, full of very pricky leaves (by that I mean they made holes in my flip flops and would sting my feet), the biggest ants that earth has, and some pretty scary looking spiders that will come in your tent if it's not fully sealed (thankfully I'm pretty sure they aren't poisonous, but waking up next to one is still unnerving somewhat).

    very long and painful walk up when you are carrying your camping equipment and luggage
    very long and painful walk up when you are carrying your camping equipment and luggage

    the path to cardboard village is steep, even without luggage
    the path to cardboard village is steep, even without luggage

    Because this was part of a long EU trip, I elected not to carry around camping gear across Europe just because of boom, and went with the cardboard village which provided recyclable cardboard tents. I'll be honest that they are not big, basically backpacking size, and they fall apart easily (held up by some staples). You could buy or rent camping gear, including tents, but that's a big gamble to come with nothing if they can run out before you arrive:

    the door broke instantly, very little room for luggage, and it's not secure, thefts are a problem :(
    the door broke instantly, very little room for luggage, and it's not secure, thefts are a problem :(

    Each camp had a few bathrooms (not enough), and showers that were only open during limited hours. That created pretty long lines, which in turn discouraged people from using them and I guess encouraged people to take quicker showers maybe? The main point was to save water as the entire area was in a drought:

    they were lacking urinals, it would have helped with bathroom lines
    they were lacking urinals, it would have helped with bathroom lines

    Just like burning man, you are encouraged to disconnect during the event, and obviously FB or Instagram usage are heavily discouraged. There is however reasonably good cell signal throughout the event, which is good for syncing up and meeting friends. To recharge though, you have to rely on a few sparse charging points, which is questionable if you have to leave your sole phone there for multiple hours. I recommend bringing a lot of USB battery packs, using them to recharge your devices inside the tent and leaving your battery pack unattended to recharge it. I had bigger issues with my very power hungry LED outfit that needed a lot more power than a phone or battery pack, and was thankfully able to make special arrangements for access to power to recharge those.

    The Grounds

    The organization of Boom overall, given that it's definitely cheap for what it offers, and staffed by little paid staff and volunteers, was quite impressive and exceeded what I've seen at Burning Man, which in itself is not bad actually. The level of care and love at boom was outstanding.

    Also in burning man fashion, people at Boom were respectful of the environment and super clean. That was quite refreshing compared to too many festivals where people are just pigs and throw trash everywhere :(

    a nice lady picking up the little trash on the ground, people were very clean
    a nice lady picking up the little trash on the ground, people were very clean

    Just like project Zendo at Burning Man, they had knowledgeable volunteers to help people use drugs safely, including even a way to test them, although demand far exceeded supply for that:

    While many things were burning man-like, it was not a gift/barter economy, which honestly was helpful for me or I would have had to bring even more things, including a week's worth of food. There were lots of food options and lines were a bit long but not terrible:

    ok, that was both unexpected and very welcome. Just like burning man, Boom is super transparent about their costs
    ok, that was both unexpected and very welcome. Just like burning man, Boom is super transparent about their costs

    lots of food options
    lots of food options

    the general store was also useful
    the general store was also useful

    very large and shaded dining areas, with a few places to charge phones :)
    very large and shaded dining areas, with a few places to charge phones :)

    Nice displays and decors:

    They also have a market manned by attendees:

    Also some art, not Burning Man levels of art, but still a fair amount:

    You can also bathe in the lake:

    the pipe is to allow trucks to pump water out and fix the roads
    the pipe is to allow trucks to pump water out and fix the roads

    Along with the lake, comes some nature of course:

    Like everywhere, watching sunsets was nice:

    everyone celebrated in different ways :)
    everyone celebrated in different ways :)

    And then, it gets very cool at night:

    The People

    The place is of course not your average festival, and neither is the clothing. I tried my best to come prepared :)

    if you didn't bring your half eaten pickle, you missed out :)
    if you didn't bring your half eaten pickle, you missed out :)

    you don't need an outfit if you have a big tatoo ;)
    you don't need an outfit if you have a big tatoo ;)

    That said, people brought fun things to the dancefloor:

    that's one way to get to the stage
    that's one way to get to the stage

    and another way :)
    and another way :)

    people brought an operating table in the crowd ;)
    people brought an operating table in the crowd ;)

    you can also bring your couch ;)
    you can also bring your couch ;)

    supplies ran low by the end of the week :)
    supplies ran low by the end of the week :)

    Someone brought a lit up Diabolo, and I mostly remembered how to play it, that was fun :)

    The Music

    Ok, so, this is where it gets complicated. Unfortunately I have to state right now that I simply couldn't enjoy most of the music that was played. There are effectively 2 big stages plus a 3rd slightly smaller one. The 3rd one played some experimental music I simply couldn't get into each time I stopped by:

    experimental stage indeed
    experimental stage indeed

    The other 2 stages played a bit of music I liked, but was honestly also a lot of deep dark psytrance that sounded like the same thing and sometimes the same few bars stuck in a CDJ eloop for an hour+. I realize it's not an entirely accurate or fair description, but hopefully makes my point that I had a hard time enjoying most of the music. This was a big disappointment for me when I had only heard a few stellar sets on youtube from some DJs I quite liked, but in the end that was only a quite small portion of the music I heard.
    Dance Temple was stellar:

    When it got too hot, they had you covered:

    Of course, it gets a lot prettier at night

    I tried to help with lighting :)
    I tried to help with lighting :)

    Alchemy Circle, the 2nd big stage was not bad at all either:

    It was also pretty at night, nice LED work:

    Finally by the last day, my 2 favorite DJs closed the festival, starting with Astrix:

    Full set:

    And then Liquid Soul finished the night:

    Summary Video:

    Full set:


    First, I'll start with my Video Summary of the week:

    Definitely had some good times and music I did enjoy across everything there :) (and yes, that 1H mostly has music that I liked, but there was plenty of other music that was harder to listen to for more than few minutes). Pointers:

  • 05:00: you'll hear how repetitive it can get.
  • 10:00: is a set from Okapi, no idea who those people were, absolutely hillarious and unique. That was worth it!
  • 16:00: gets freaking hillarious
  • 20:00: spinning lit dress
  • 36:00: Astrix
  • 53:00: Liquid Soul
  • The line for the busses on the way out was the least fun part of the event

    Unsurprisingly, a bit like burning man, getting into the event isn't so bad because it's spread out over time. Getting out was a huge mess of a line that was easily 4 to 6H. I think their main limitation was lack of busses and bus drivers willing/able to work certain times. They had busses leaving the previous evening, but they were running during the best music sets (Astrix and Liquid Soul), and ended too early (23:00 I think). Even if we tried to leave so as to be at the busline at 22:45, that would not have worked because they did not guarantee you'd get on a bus, just that the last bus would leave at 23:00 and anyone who didn't fit would have to find a way to sleep until the next morning, even though they already broke down camp.
    My guess is that obviously everyone trying to leave on the same day does not help, but also that it's probably not easy or possible to get bus drivers to drive in the middle of the night and start driving people out at 06:00 and at much higher pace than I saw. So I Guess this is a 'plan for it", or consider taking the city bus out to the nearest train station. Looks like people get in line as early as 05:00 and that the wait is at least 2-3H best case scenario unless you leave quite late, but hard to know and by the last day there is not much going on anymore, so just waiting isn't great either.

    Other thoughts

    If you think the above is bad, well yes and no. I also mentioned the music being an issue for me, but clearly that doesn't mean the music was bad, just that I couldn't enjoy it, and clearly plenty of other people did so just fine. Like I mentioned earlier, camping was rough, but everything else was between quite nice and very nice.
    The love from the organizers is hard to ignore, it definitely made the event that much more special.

    Should you go? Would I go Back?

  • Saying that Boom is unique doesn't begin to describe it. It's also special because it's only one year out of two, so you have to plan for that. I'll also use the opportunity here to say that the organizers really do care, to a level I've not really seen anywhere else: the website is full of messages of love, the several Emails they send to prepare you, also are. They also did a very good job answering Emails and helping, which is no small feat when you receive lots of Emails.
  • I liked the burning man feel while being open to money and commerce, which made things easier when you travel from far and can't carry everything like you have to for burning man
  • Speaking of money though, they unfortunately heavily encouraged the used of wristband money. It was at least required for most drinks and very few places accepted contactless credit cards, which if of course the correct way to do this. Those who know me well know that I hate the wristband money BS because this turns the festival into a bank, and unsurprisingly, most fail at doing a proper job at it, because being a bank that holds people's money, is hard. In my case, it's the 3rd festival that messed it up, in their case I once put 100 euros on my wristband, got confirmation, money was taken from my account, and the money never appeared on the wristband. I wasted countless time trying to get this fixed, was given repeated promises it would get fixed, and it never did. In the end I had to dispute the credit card charge with my bank to get my money back. What a waste of time, just take contactless credit cards!
  • Security, well there was none. That was refreshing. You could of course bring anything to your campsite, and there is no perimeter around the dancefloors area, you can just walk in and out. I felt safe though, thankfully it's remote enough that they can do this. Awesome.
  • The Music was the problem for me. I was really looking forward to many days of fantastic psytrance. Unfortunately for the most part it was some very experimental music I sure couldn't get into (yes, I understand Boom is also about drugs and altered states, but honestly I don't think I can get altered enough to enjoy what was being played most of the time). The rest of the time sounded like deep dark psytrance, almost the same few bars of music on a CDJ eloop. Sorry if that sounds unfair, I realize a lot of people there seemed to like it, all I can say is I love a lot of psytrance, and wasn't able to enjoy the music most days, with a few exceptions like astral projection, okapi, Astrix, and Liquid Soul.
  • the wait for the busses back was bad, as in way-too-many-hours-burning-man, bad. See comments above.
  • "Is it worth flying across the world for?". Well, this one is tricky. Honestly flying from far just to go to Boom is quite a trip, especially if you have to bring some camping equipment if you can't rely on rentals not running out. It's still easier than for a European to fly to the US and go to burning man, but not by a whole lot, it's still quite a journey ;) If you're coming from outside of Europe, I'd say it's debatable, but within Europe I cannot think of another festival like Boom. The biggest thing to keep in mind is make sure you actually like the music that is played there. I will quote (but not name :) ) a DJ I know and who played there as saying he also thought the music there was quite experimental and niche.
  • See more images for Portugal's Biennial Boom Festival

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