Day 2: Keynotes: Past, Present and Future of Linux

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Tove, Linus' wife and their two girls where also there to enjoy the talk

This is obviously the biggest keynote, and while I counted about 3500 people, there were a few hundred less this time, the room was still full and I estimate the number of attendies to a little more than 3000.
As Linus just loves doing slides and preparing talks :-), he gave a quick overview on the state of affairs, and then switched to Q&A


Then, Linus switched to the Q&A section. Some of the answers he gave were: After that, Linus introduced Patrick McGovern, founder of IDG, who then had Richard Stallman come on stage in order to give him the IDG/Linus Torvalds Community Award for the Free Software Foundation.



RMS gave the usual GNU/Linux speech (i.e. because the basic unix utilities (including the file and binutils), as well as a non trivial piece, the C compiler, come from the GNU project, Richard is asking everyone to call Linux, GNU/Linux in order to give credit to GNU).
My personal take on this is that while the GNU project definitely deserves credit for offering a lot of the initial blocs that Linux is built on, someone found that only about 10% of SuSE Linux was based on such software, so many many other people deserve credit, the whole OSS community for that matter. Therefore insisting every single time that you should use GNU/Linux gets real old real fast... As far as I'm concerned RMS is more fun when he sings his "Join us now and share the software" song :-)
If you feel you have to Email me to tell me how wrong you think I am, be my guess, but I won't take the time to answer, this is a well known subject that some people disagree on.


The good news in all this is that Linus' two girls didn't get bored, and actually had quite a good time :-)

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