Day 4: T-Shirt Auctionning

Rusty auctionned a couple of Tshirts, one Linuxcare Ozlab with the Staff's signature and a Red Hat Noodle Polo, which both went to Maddog to $300AU. The previous night, Maddog offered $700AU for a shirt signed by all the speakers, but ended up putting it back for auction, and a bloke from Turbolinux rebought it for $575.
In both cases, the money went to the FSF. Thanks to all those who bid and gave.

[picture] [picture]
Not only does he code and speak well, he's also really good at auctionning things :-)

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2001/01/28 (16:34): Version 1.0
2001/01/29 (00:22): Version 1.1. Fixed money amount, which went to the FSF, not EFF (thanks to Caitlin Fegan for the correction)