THE COMMON GATEWAY INTERFACE (CGI) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) LIST This copy generated: Mon Jun 19 21:26:39 1995 _________________________________________________________________ Contents * General Questions 1. How can I learn about CGI? 2. My script works fine when I run it from my shell, but when I try to run it from my browser, I get a generic error message (like "Server Error 500"), or the browser just lists the source of the script. How am I supposed to know what's wrong? * Forms 1. Do different browsers handle forms submissions differently? * Environment Variables 1. Can I get the email addresses of the people who visit my site? (or, Can sites I visit get my email address?) * Object Headers 1. What does the "malformed header from script" error mean, and how can I get rid of it? * Language-Specific Questions 1. Resources for C Programmers 2. Resources for Perl Programmers 3. Resources for Python Programmers 4. Resources for TCL Programmers * Platform-Specific Questions 1. I'm trying to make a CGI script for MacHTTP, and I'm having trouble. Are there materials for MacHTTP CGI programmers? _________________________________________________________________ General Questions How can I learn about CGI? For a list of online materials relating to CGI programming, please see the CGI Programmer's Reference. Online materials are far more likely to be up-to-date, though they are sometimes more terse than a beginner would like. Every CGI programmer should read the CGI documentation at . There are several hardcopy publications that discuss CGI programming: 1. Managing Internet Information Services, by Cricket Liu, Jerry Peek, Russ Jones, Bryan Buus and Adrian Nye, published by O'Reilly & Associates (1st Edition December 1994, 668 pages, ISBN: 1-56592-062-7, $29.95), spends a chapter (24 pages) discussing gateways and forms. It includes clear examples and good illustrations, though it is more of an introduction than a complete reference. (The rest of the book is excellent, too.) 2. Netscape Communications' documentation for their Netsite servers provides an excellent appendix (43 pages) on CGI programming. The manual is available through their online order form, by calling 1-800-NETSITE (both methods for North American customers only), or by calling +1-415-428-4330 (international customers). The price is $30.00. My script works fine when I run it from my shell, but when I try to run it from my browser, I get a generic error message (like "Server Error 500"), or the browser just lists the source of the script. How I supposed to know what's wrong? Once you've determined that your script works from a shell command-line, there are a few common problems to look for: 1. Is your script readable and executable by your server? When you execute your script from a shell command-line, it runs under your user-id and it can use any resource you can. Since public-access CGI scripts can be executed by any user on the Web, your web server probably runs under a special user-id (usually "nobody") with a reduced set of privileges. In general, CGI scripts need to be world-readable and world-executable to work. In addition, any other programs that your script calls -- including the interpreter (i.e., "#!/usr/bin/perl") -- need to be world-readable and executable as well. See your local 'chmod(1)' man page if you need help with setting permissions. 2. Is it in a directory that the server can reach? See above. The directory in which your script resides needs to be world-readable and world-executable. 3. Is that directory ScriptAliased or ExecCGI-enabled? These terms refer to configuration options in the NCSA srm.conf file. (Other servers may use different methods of server resource management.) A "ScriptAliased" directory is one in which every file is executed as a CGI script. A directory with "ExecCGI" enabled allows files with certain filename extensions to be executed as scripts. In short, you can't just write a script and expect it to run -- your server must know that your file is a script. Contact your server administrator or look over your server documentation for more information. 4. If it returns data to the browser, does it send a Content-type header? This is most likely the problem if you are getting a "malformed header from script" error. 5. Have you checked the server's error log for a more specific error message? Error messages from scripts are sent to STDERR -- usually just to your screen. When a browser executes a script and the script encounters an error, however, the server redirects STDERR to its error log. Use a utility like "grep" to search the error log for references to your script. 6. Have you tried returning error messages to the browser as HTML? If a script runs but some parts of it don't work, try sending error messages to standard output, maybe enclosed in tags. Particularly, look for operations that make use of system resources, change directories, read files, etc., and have them complain loudly if their attempts to do so fail. _________________________________________________________________ Forms Do different browsers handle forms submissions differently? Yes. Glenn Trewitt has written a suite of tests to evaluate handling of forms, the results of which can be found at . The results are available sorted by browser and by test, as well as in matrix format. _________________________________________________________________ Environment Variables Can I get the email addresses of the people who visit my site? (OR, can sites I visit get my email address?) It depends on the browser. Certain browsers send an environment variable, HTTP_FROM, which contains the user's email address as entered in their "Preferences." The draft HTTP 1.0 specification, at , gives some information on the planned specification for request headers; and at , the same document warns against abuse of this information. Please see the browser survey for information on which browsers send this and other environment variables. _________________________________________________________________ Object Headers What does the "malformed header from script" error mean, and how can I get rid of it? This is the most frequent error new CGI programmers encounter. It usually arises when the programmer writes a script that returns some HTML when called -- in other words, a script that generates a Web page on the fly. "Header" refers to the HTTP object header lines in a server's response to a client's request. The server sends several lines of "metainformation" describing the content that will follow, a blank line, and then the requested object. As with news and mail, the header and the body are always separated by a blank line. CGI scripts that wish to return information to clients are required to: 1. send a header line, Content-type:, describing with a MIME Content-type the object that will follow (for instance, if the script wanted to return HTML, this header would read, "Content-type: text/html"); 2. a blank line; and 3. the desired content. A Perl script that generated HTML, then, would use the following line to declare its Content-type: print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; The Content-type declaration must always be the first line sent to standard output, if the script intends to return any information to the client. _________________________________________________________________ Language-Specific Questions Resources for C Programmers EIT distributes a C library for CGI programmers at . Resources for Perl Programmers The most commonly-used Perl CGI resource is Steven Brenner's, a library of routines for manipulating form submissions. The library is available at . Somewhat off topic, Roy Fielding has developed libwww-perl, a library of Perl 4 packages for programming WWW clients and tools. Distribution information can be found at . Resources for Python Programmers Michael McLay distributes a Python CGI class from . He also lists some other Python/WWW resources at . Resources for TCL Programmers There is a page on processing CGI arguments under TCL at . _________________________________________________________________ Platform-Specific Questions I'm trying to make a CGI script for MacHTTP, and I'm having trouble. Are there materials for MacHTTP CGI programmers? Yes. MacHTTP does have a number of differences from other servers in its handling of forms and CGI applications. Fortunately, Jon Wiederspan, author of the outstanding WWW Developer Resources, has written a tutorial on extending MacHTTP, which can be found at . Jon is an excellent writer, and his tutorial is worthwhile for new and old programmers alike. _________________________________________________________________ HTML 2.0 Checked! Copyright 1995 Marc Hedlund,