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Indenting test

First two lines
Or wilt thou go ask the mole?
Does the eagle know what is in the pit?
Another two lines
Or love in a golden bowl?
Can wisdom be put in a silver rod?

Indented lists test

Let's make four preliminary observations:

  1. The poem resolves itself into 4 questions (binaries).
    1. The poem resolves itself into 4 questions (binaries).
    2. The four questions might be answered: "No, yes, no, no."
  2. The four questions might be answered: "No, yes, no, no."
Ms Fitch's hint might help us reconsider the poem.

Text attributes:

The next lines use the <pre> attribute:

The following letters are in italics: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz
The following letters are in bold: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz
The following letters are (supposed to be) underlined: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz
The following letters are (supposed to be) overstriked: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz
The following letters are (supposed to be) blinking (old): ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz


The next lines use the <BLOCKQUOTE> attribute:


The following letters are in italics:

The following letters are in bold:

The following letters are (supposed to be) underlined:

The following letters are (supposed to be) overstriked:

The following letters are (supposed to be) blinking (old):


The next lines are standard:

----- Physical types:

The following letters are in italics:

The following letters are in bold:

The following letters are (supposed to be) underlined:

The following letters are (supposed to be) overstriked:

The following letters are (supposed to be) blinking (old):

----- Logical types:

The following letters are in <cite> (citation, typically rendered as italic):

The following letters are in <code> (example of code; typically rendered as monospaced):

The following letters are in <em> (typographic emphasis; typically rendered as italics):

The following letters are in <kbd> (text typed by a user; typically rendered as monospaced):

The following letters are in <samp> (sequence of literal characters; typically rendered as monospaced):

The following letters are in <strong> (strong typographic emphasis; typically rendered as bold):

The following letters are in <tt> (Typetype, text be rendered in fixed-width font):

The following letters are in <var> (variable name; typically rendered as italic):


Directory list (supposed to be on several columns but commonly unimplemented).

  • A-H
  • I-M
  • M-R
  • S-Z
  • Header size demo:

    Header <H1>

    Header <H2>

    Header <H3>

    Header <H4>

    Header <H5>
    Header <H6>

    Using extented caracters:

    Source shown with <xmp> (no code interpretation):

    Note: according to Composing good HTML, this modifier is now obsolete and <pre> should be used instead

    _____________________________________________________________ &lt;h2&gt;Thel's Motto &lt;/h2&gt; &lt;dl&gt; &lt;dd&gt; Does the eagle know what is in the pit? &lt;dd&gt; Or wilt thou go ask the mole? &lt;dd&gt; Can wisdom be put in a silver rod? &lt;dd&gt; Or love in a golden bowl? &lt;/dl&gt; _____________________________________________________________

    Source shown with <pre> (code interpretation):

    <h2>Thel's Motto </h2>
    <dl>  <dd> Does the eagle know what is in the pit?
              <dd> Or wilt thou go ask the mole?
              <dd> Can wisdom be put in a silver rod?
              <dd> Or love in a golden bowl?

    Above source interpreted:


    Thel's Motto

    Does the eagle know what is in the pit?
    Or wilt thou go ask the mole?
    Can wisdom be put in a silver rod?
    Or love in a golden bowl?

    Imagemap test:

    Please, click somewhere on this image:

    Virtual include test

    Let's end with my html mail signature: (provided the server supports it)

    >>> Signature is here <<<
    Since it doesn't here, here's a "hard" include:


    Link to Home Page: http://www.efrei.fr/~merlin/