Like many, I'm a big fan of Neil deGrasse Tyson, so it was a pleasure to see him at the San Jose Center for Performing Arts. He gave us one of many talks he has (around 20), "An Astrophysicist Reads The Newspaper".
He had lots of fun slides, it was a great evening (about 2H)

the slide that can't be unseen, why 'pluto' is called 'pluto', and it's still not a planet

he called it 'Murrrrrica's Eclipse, becuase no other country got to see it ;)

that's why it's called a 'U'fo

he's asking everyone 'please use your phones and take pictures next time you get abducted'

sucks when aliens can't drive

he bought that book and read it for fun :)

flat earth is making a comeback

we escaped judgement day many times

why more babies are born during full moons: because people have more sex during full moons :)

supermoon is bullshit

Germany has more cool stuff on their money than the US does

no comment

still no comment

Several slides on Ligo, which I knew about, because I enjoy following that stuff :)

agreed :)

He finished with Saturn and Cassini:

awesome backlit picture of saturn

Cassini had to be destroyed to ensure it would not mistakenly contaminate one of the moons with earth microbes