Last year I went two days to make up for the fact that one day, especially sunday, isn't enough. Last year I went two days, including all of saturday (from 10 to 20:00). Turns out that outside of a few talks that were only on sunday, it was a bit overkill so this time I only went saturday all day, having delayed a trip to Tokyo until the next day so that I could attend. It worked out just right, I was able to see a good amount of talks and virtually everything in the expo halls.

I love those guys with the big eyes

R2D2 is always a favourite

Dub has this for your car for just $10K :)

I always needed liquid cooling in my PC and lit components
This year was really starting to be the year of 3D printing. Multiple printers on demo (most weren't new):

Back to the roots competitor which actually does things right:

Some talks:

a new arduino form factor

a very complete, albeit expensive, robot platform
Inside the expo hall:

Video game without a screen

Gabotronics, I his great scopes

all the official arduinos you can get today

opensprinkler, this looks cool. With local control override, I'd buy this

Get your drink right, every time :)
Fun stuff outside:

this car was fantastic

where you can build all your burning man fire machines :)

or this. OMG, this was impressive.
Crazy hexa and octo copters, all the way to dodecacopters (12 blades):

twelve blades, and 2 independent battery systems. Awesome reliabilty

An unsual hexacopter
Eepybird, a crowd favourite, was back for more diet coke and mentos:

this is what they use for their effects
This was all great to see, and I even managed not to bring back several hundred thousands dollars of stuff, so I guess that's good, right?