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Table of contents
Slide 1
Google Servers and Linux, the early days
But, what about updates?
Slide 4
Slide 5
File level syncing, really?
Wait, all your servers are the same?
So how did you do big OS upgrades on the root partition?
Ok, so how do you upgrade base packages?
How about package pre/post installs?
So how did that strategy of patching Red Hat 7.1 work out?
So, what new distribution?
SysV vs Debian Insserv vs Upstart vs Systemd: SysV
SysV vs Debian Insserv vs Upstart vs Systemd: Upstart
SysV vs Debian Insserv vs Upstart vs Systemd: Systemd
SysV vs Debian Insserv vs Upstart vs Systemd: Insserv
ProdNG, tell us more...
Ok, we have a new image, how do we push it?
Ok, we have a new image, how do we push it? (2)
Distros are hard!
Mmmh, shopping didn't make the problem go away, what now?
Turning the scary big jump into many smaller safer jumps
Package conversions from deb to rpm
Turning Red Hat 7.1 into debian testing: cruft removal
Turning Red Hat 7.1 into debian testing: one bit at a time
Sometimes it's the little things that bite you
Slide 27
Switching from an image snapshot to one built from scratch
Slide 29
Getting closer to the merge: converting rpms to debs
What's left?
Go on vacation!
Well, things never work out like you hoped...
Ok, so how did the switch really go?
Misc bits: dual package system support
Slide 36
Slide 37
Slide 38
And finally: Profit!
Slide 40
Slide 41
Slide 42
Slide 43
And which linux kernel did you run, surely not 2.4.2?
File tracking
Testing software before doing an update image.
Debugging boots and reboots?
ProdNG package generation
ProdNG image generation.
Turning Red Hat 7.1 into debian testing: coreutils
Turning Red Hat 7.1 into debian testing: other big chunks
Slide 52
How did old image reviews work?
How does the new image review work?
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